
Gold Coast Multicultural Festival welcomes Falun Dafa practitioners

Organisers of the 2018 Gold Coast Multicultural Festival once again welcomed Falun Dafa practitioners to the annual event in Queensland, Australia. The event is funded by Gold Coast City Council and attracts 20,000 locals and visitors each year to the touristic Southport Broadwater Parklands. Practitioners set up a marquee tent, hung lotus flowers, exhibited the …

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Falun Dafa practitioners welcome Chinese delegates to Queensland

Mainland Chinese visiting Queensland’s Gold Coast were warmly welcomed by Falun Dafa practitioners on May 17, 2018. Six thousand business delegates from major direct-marketing herbal company Infinitus China recently converged on the entertainment precinct called Surfers Paradise for one of the tourist city’s largest ever street parties. In light of celebrations, Falun Dafa practitioners set …

Falun Dafa practitioners welcome Chinese delegates to Queensland Read More »

Candidates for Public Office Support Falun Dafa’s Community Work on Queensland’s Gold Coast

Australian candidates for the Queensland Government election have commended the good work Falun Dafa practitioners do in the Gold Coast community. Each week practitioners volunteer their time to set up free exercise sites and help others enjoy the many health and psychological benefits of doing Falun Dafa’s five sets of exercises. Falun Dafa is a …

Candidates for Public Office Support Falun Dafa’s Community Work on Queensland’s Gold Coast Read More »

Falun Gong Practitioners Participate in Floral Parade in Toowoomba

Falun Gong (also called Falun Dafa) practitioners participated in the Floral Parade, the feature event of the Carnival of Flowers in Toowoomba, a city in Southeastern Queensland, Australia, on September 16, 2017. The Carnival of Flowers is the largest community event and one of the premier celebrations in Australia. The Floral Parade was the pinnacle …

Falun Gong Practitioners Participate in Floral Parade in Toowoomba Read More »

Introducing Falun Dafa in Toowoomba at Annual Cultural Festival

Falun Gong practitioners in Queensland, Australia, participated in the 12th Toowoomba Languages and Cultures Festival on August 20, 2017. This popular multi-cultural festival attracts 70 to 80,000 people every year. Falun Gong practitioners have been invited to share their traditional Chinese cultivation practice at this festival since its inauguration in 2006. They explained the benefits …

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Gold Coast, Australia: Queensland’s Premier and Health Minister Meet 
with Practitioners

On August 1, Falun Dafa practitioners had the rare opportunity to meet in person with Queensland’s Premier and the Health Minister. Practitioners were invited to attend a Town Hall meeting in the Currumbin RSL Club on the Gold Coast, at which Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and members of her Cabinet addressed hundreds of local constituents about …

Gold Coast, Australia: Queensland’s Premier and Health Minister Meet 
with Practitioners Read More »

Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference Held in Brisbane, Australia

Falun Gong practitioners from Queensland, Australia held a Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference in Brisbane on Sunday August 7, 2017. Thirteen speakers shared their stories of improving themselves in cultivation. Louise shared her experiences of telling the public about what Falun Dafa is about. She talked about how she overcame her fears and laziness, …

Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference Held in Brisbane, Australia Read More »