New York

New York: 2,000 Practitioners Hold Parade to Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day and Wish Master Li Happy Birthday

May 13, 2021, was the 22nd World Falun Dafa Day and the 29th anniversary of Falun Dafa’s public introduction. Two thousand practitioners held a grand parade to celebrate the event and wish the founder of the spiritual practice Mr. Li Hongzhi a Happy Birthday. They also reflected on the positive impact Falun Dafa has had …

New York: 2,000 Practitioners Hold Parade to Celebrate World Falun Dafa Day and Wish Master Li Happy Birthday Read More »

New York: Thousand-Strong Rally Commemorates Historic April 25 Appeal

Over a thousand Falun Dafa practitioners held a rally in Flushing, the largest Chinese community in New York, on April 18, 2021, to commemorate a historic appeal to the Chinese government by practitioners on April 25, 1999. Twenty-two years ago, ten thousand Falun Dafa practitioners gathered quietly in Beijing to demand the release of dozens …

New York: Thousand-Strong Rally Commemorates Historic April 25 Appeal Read More »

New York: Falun Dafa Group Performs in Nation’s Largest Veteran’s Day Event

Falun Dafa practitioners in New York participated in Veterans Day Parade in Manhattan, New York on November 11, 2017. Their participation in this Veteran’s Day event, the largest in the nation, dates back to 2004. Parade organizer Mr. Mark Otto said, “So this year, our grand marshal [Buzz Aldrin] was the astronaut who was actually …

New York: Falun Dafa Group Performs in Nation’s Largest Veteran’s Day Event Read More »