
Shen Yun’s “Sheer Pageantry” Impresses Audiences in Australia and USA

The five touring companies of New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts performed 28 shows in 10 cities in the United States and Australia between January 30 and February 4, 2018.   “High level of professionalism” Professional violinist Victoria Martino said about the show, “Very high level of professionalism… Very impressive.” “I’m very, very appreciative that …

Shen Yun’s “Sheer Pageantry” Impresses Audiences in Australia and USA Read More »

Canberra: Parliamentary Forum on Stopping Forced Organ Harvesting and Organ Tourism

After the Australian Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference on September 10, practitioners held a large rally in front of Parliament House in Canberra on September 11 and 12. A forum also took place in the parliament on September 11 on how to stop the state-sanctioned killing of Falun Gong practitioners for their organs and organ …

Canberra: Parliamentary Forum on Stopping Forced Organ Harvesting and Organ Tourism Read More »

Sydney, Australia: Grand Rally and March Applauded by Spectators

Practitioners from across Australia attended series of events in Sydney prior to the annual experience-sharing conference on September 10. Here is a report on the grand rally and march on September 8, 2017. Group Meditation Outside the Customs House, an historic Sydney landmark located in Circular Quay, practitioners performed group exercises in the morning. The …

Sydney, Australia: Grand Rally and March Applauded by Spectators Read More »

Gold Coast, Australia: Queensland’s Premier and Health Minister Meet 
with Practitioners

On August 1, Falun Dafa practitioners had the rare opportunity to meet in person with Queensland’s Premier and the Health Minister. Practitioners were invited to attend a Town Hall meeting in the Currumbin RSL Club on the Gold Coast, at which Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and members of her Cabinet addressed hundreds of local constituents about …

Gold Coast, Australia: Queensland’s Premier and Health Minister Meet 
with Practitioners Read More »

Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference Held in Brisbane, Australia

Falun Gong practitioners from Queensland, Australia held a Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference in Brisbane on Sunday August 7, 2017. Thirteen speakers shared their stories of improving themselves in cultivation. Louise shared her experiences of telling the public about what Falun Dafa is about. She talked about how she overcame her fears and laziness, …

Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference Held in Brisbane, Australia Read More »

Falun Gong at the Winter Festival Parade in Australia’s Blue Mountains

Local Falun Gong practitioners took part in the Winter Festival recently held in Australia’s Blue Mountains, a region west of Sydney. The area is well-known for dramatic scenery of three steep cliffs. The Tian Guo Marching Band and a group of dancers comprised the Falun Gong procession that participated in the Winter Festival parade. Over …

Falun Gong at the Winter Festival Parade in Australia’s Blue Mountains Read More »