(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners in Cairns expressed their gratitude and respect to the founder of their practice, Mr. Li Hongzhi, in advance of Chinese New Year. They wish Master a happy New Year.

In October 2003, Danuta saw a notice in a local newspaper about a free Falun Dafa exercise workshop. She immediately signed up.

“Practitioners taught me the exercise movements and invited me to listen to Master’s lectures, but I couldn’t understand because of my poor English. I read the book Zhuan Falun very slowly. I admired these practitioners’ kindness and tolerance,” Danuta said. She bought an English dictionary and decided to read Zhuan Falun.

After reading the book, Danuta thought she should change herself. She identified many of her attachments, including her stubbornness, jealousy, and ego. As she continued to cultivate herself and looked within, she was determined to follow Falun Dafa’s principles to improve and find her fundamental attachments.

Danuta realised that she has changed a lot after cultivating for more than 20 years. “I’ve become optimistic, confident, and outgoing. I’ll continue to practice Falun Dafa for the rest of my life. I’m grateful for the opportunity Master has given me!”

Ms. Fan, an English teacher, said she used to be bad-tempered and was always mad at her mother-in-law when they lived together. She knew that she must eliminate her negativity, but didn’t know how. Her mother practices Falun Dafa and told her that she could find the answers in Falun Dafa books, which she read when she was young.

Ms. Fan started reading Zhuan Falun and doing the exercises again. She noticed she had more patience with her in-laws and husband. When she occasionally got mad, she regretted it. She hand-copied Master’s teachings and reminded herself to improve her xinxing. She improved a lot and developed greater compassion. During the time her husband worked in Japan, someone told her that her husband had an affair. She didn’t hate him and felt this might be a debt she owed in a previous lifetime.

Ms. Fan’s job requires her to talk a lot. She frequently had a sore throat and took medicine. After practicing Falun Dafa, her throat problem was gone.

Ms. Fan wishes Master a happy New Year and thanks him for giving her cultivation opportunities.

Seventeen-year-old Daniel heard about Falun Dafa from his mother. “My mom was ill and was scheduled for major surgery, but she regained her health amazingly after she practiced Falun Dafa. She didn’t need the surgery. I was surprised and curious about Falun Dafa, and I started practicing in 2008,” Daniel recounted.

“Master’s teaching changed my view of the world. I used to be confused about the many problems in society. Why was the world like this? Falun Dafa gave me the best answers. Many of my classmates are struggling. Jobs are hard to get. Social media and entertainment keep people distracted. It’s hard for people to remain undisturbed and not to lose their direction in life.”

Daniel said that he was fortunate to learn how he should live his life from the principles of Falun Dafa. “When I follow the principles of Falun Dafa, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, life is happy and relaxed. Dafa’s principles guide people to a truly peaceful realm.”

Daniel believes that Dafa will be able to change everything when he continues to eliminate his attachments and cultivate his character. “I would like to thank Master for his guidance. He has led me to a journey of returning to my true origin and becoming the happiest person!”

Danuta (second from left) and practitioners in Cairns, Queensland, wish Master a happy New Year.