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Reference Material: The Chinese Economy on a Rotten Foundation (Part I)

In order to compare the economic transformation of the Soviet Union and China, many studies have been drawn. They show that China is successful in the transition into a communist society in comparison to the USSR. Some optimistic views believe China will become the factory for the entire world and will eventually become a world power.

MP Letter to Foreign Minister

The World Organisation to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong have found that one quarter of China’s financial resources are used to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. As China is one of our largest trading partners this figure is cause for serious concern here in Australia.

Clarifying the Truth on a Trip to the Airport

“I also told him that when the persecution began, like most others, I really had absolutely no idea of what to do. Something so good, that I have improved from for the past few years, is suddenly being persecuted, it didn’t make sense…”