South China Morning Post: Law must be even-handed
There was the controversial prosecution of 16 Falun Gong protesters earlier this year for offences arising out of a peaceful demonstration outside the Beijing Liaison Office.
Information Centre
There was the controversial prosecution of 16 Falun Gong protesters earlier this year for offences arising out of a peaceful demonstration outside the Beijing Liaison Office.
U.S. and Canadian Family Members Released in Early October. Last Tuesday, Mr. Shi suddenly found himself on the phone with his mother. “This has been a very traumatic experience, but she seemed to be in relatively good spirits,” Mr. Shi said.
On June 18 2002, the local newspaper of Brimbank city published an article entitled “Brimbank Supports Falun Gong’s Endeavors.” The reporter (not a practitioner) introduced the principles of Falun Dafa, the persecution in China and how Jiang’s regime has extended the persecution to Australia.
During the Israel Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference, Maariv, one of the most influential newspapers in Israel, interviewed a practitioner from Australia, Ms. Dai Zhizhen and her daughter Fadu.
From October 9 to 10, 2002, Australian Falun Gong practitioner’s personal painting show was held in Dallas City Hall. The visitors not only enjoyed the beautiful painting but also became to know the truth of the persecution of Falun Gong in China and were shocked at the facts.
According to a September 28th report of an overseas Chinese newspaper, the No. 1 Chinese website Sina Net displayed the main page of Falun Dafa’s Minghui Net yesterday. What happened? Internet users who are concerned about Minghui Net and Sina Net are wondering.
According to reliable sources, Cai Mi has been tortured to the verge of death in prison. Her body is nothing but skin and bones. Her family can barely recognize her extremely distorted figure when they visit her.
Gao Shuying’s parents-in-law are over 80 years old. Her mother-in-law is paralytic. Her two children are still in high school. They all need her to look after them. In addition, her husband Xin Baodong has been persecuted many times for steadfastly practicing Falun Dafa.
October 6, 2002 was early spring in Melbourne, Australia. Though the chilly wind of winter didn’t’ want to give up, the morning sunshine was already warm and pleasant.
Falun Dafa practitioner Zhao Dongmei, female, was a former employee of the Housing Reform Office in Linfen District, Shanxi Province. She went to Beijing to appeal in the middle of December 2000, and was illegally arrested and brought back to the Linfen City Detention Centre. She went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution, and was brutally force-fed by male prisoners, resulting in her death on December 27, 2000.