Falun Gong practitioners regularly hold activities or participate in local community events to introduce the practice and to raise awareness of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution.
At these events practitioners typically demonstrate the exercises, talk about the benefits of the practice, tell people about the brutal 20-year persecution of Falun Gong in China, and collect signatures from those who wish to condemn the persecution.
The following are reports from recent events in Croatia and Norway.
Croatia: Introducing Falun Gong in Varaždin
Falun Gong practitioners held activities in Varaždin, a historic northern city, on August 24-25, 2019. Tourists from around the world attend the annual Špancirfest, a large-scale international art festival. Practitioners had a booth in the park next to the festival venue.
The Falun Gong booth was exquisitely decorated in keeping with the festival’s theme, and drew the attention of many passers-by. The centerpiece of the display was a beautiful model of the Croatian language version of Zhuan Falun,approximately 90-centimeter (35.4 inches) high, surrounded by pink lotus flowers.
Many people expressed their gratitude after receiving fliers about Falun Gong. The Falun Gong activities were close to the main roads and traffic lights, and motorists could see the banners in front of the practitioners’ booth and the Falun Gong exercise demonstration.
The two-day event began at 3:00 p.m. and lasted until 9:00 p.m. One man learned about Falun Gong the first day and returned early the following day. He waited for the practitioners and asked them to teach him the exercises. After trying the exercises, he said that he felt warm and very comfortable.

Norway: Introducing Falun Gong at the Annual Vickers Market
Practitioners from Oslo, the capital of Norway, and surrounding cities participated in the annual Vickers Market held in Holler on August 31, 2019. Practitioners set up a stand and introduced the ancient spiritual practice to the local people.
Many vendors from the surrounding towns come to sell their products at the market. Market day happened to coincide with the local elections held every four years in Norway. That day, the usually quiet town was bustling. Representatives and their staff from all the major parties were also at the market to talk to people.
After reading the Falun Gong flyer, Talia became very serious and told a practitioner, “I believe everything you said! I met a person from Xinjiang (China) and he told me what happens in China’s concentration camps.
“Just look at what the Chinese government is doing to the people of Hong Kong. It’s not difficult to imagine the CCP’s cruel persecution of Falun Gong!”
He asked for more flyers and said he would let more people know about the persecution. Before he left, he signed the petition to condemn the CCP’s atrocities.

Relevant article in Chinese: Norway.