Australia News

Australia News

Letter to SAR Hong Kong from NSW Falun Dafa Fo Xue Association

We ask that you please be alert to the potential for abuse in this proposed legislation where the totalitarian regime of the mainland can instill fear into the people of Hong Kong when anyone who criticizes the central government could be prosecuted for “treason” and “sedition”.

Lee’s Pushbike Appeal Arrives in Wollongong

Wollongong is the first stop on his journey, where he will be visiting and asking local MP’s to sign the petition in support of his desperate and determined plea to the Australian Government to have his simple wishes delivered to his loved fiancee. Mr Lee went through a long and arduous journey to arrive in Wollongong around 9pm on Monday night.

Sydney Practitioner Lee’s Sydney to Canberra Pushbike Appeal

A Sydney practitioner, Mr Lee, today began a seven day, 500 kilometre bike ride to Canberra and back ,to call for support from local government, local Members of Parliament, the media and the public, to ask the Australian government to help deliver a Christmas package, including a personal letter and a small Christmas gift to his fiancee.

Melbourne Minghui School Founded

The Melbourne Minghui School was founded on November 17, 2002. Currently all students are young practitioners and Falun Dafa practitioners’ children with ages ranging from three to sixteen years old.