Australia News

Australia News

Australian Residents Submit Legal Case against Chinese Leader to United Nations

Violation of all 33 UN Human Rights Declarations Cited

Citizens and residents from Australia, Canada, USA, France, Ireland, Hong Kong and China have jointly submitted a legal case against Communist Party Head Jiang Zemin, and two other top Chinese officials, to the United Nations Committee Against Torture, the United Nations Human Rights Committee and the International Criminal Court, for crimes committed in instigating and carrying out the brutal persecution of Falun Gong.

Falun Gong at the “Beijing Cultural Festival” in Sydney

“The Falun Gong practitioners in my factory are honest, hardworking, good people. But the police want to arrest them. Jiang’s regime has gone too far in abusing Falun Gong practitioners, I cannot bear it. So I asked them, ‘Falun Gong practitioners are good people, why do you only arrest those good people?’ Just for those comments, they detained me for two days and interrogated me three times.”

Southern Highland News: Health & Lifestyle

Falun Dafa is an ancient cultivation practice of refining the body and mind through exercises, meditation and embodying the principles of the universe namely truthfulness, compassion and forbearance.