
Letter from MP Chris Hays

International Organisation to Investigation the Persecution of Falun Gong On-Site in China is seeking information on the actions of the Australia Government on the international stage to prompt a thorough and independent investigation into the allegations that have been made by Chinese Falun Gong practitioners.

CIPFG Will Completely Investigate the Truth and End the Persecution of Falun Gong As Soon As Possible

When somebody is murdered or raped, who would be the most motivated people to file the case with the police for an investigation? Is it the police? Detectives? Lawyers? Or witnesses or the local governments? No. It is certainly the family members of the victims, because they are the people who are the most eager to investigate the case completely from the inside out and punish the perpetrators as they deserve.

Article Review: The Australian: Mike Steketee: The price is rights

John Fitzgerald, a professor in Asia-Pacific studies at the Australian National University, told a federal parliamentary committee that many in leadership positions in China felt the Government’s banning of Falun Gong and its subsequent persecution was a terrible mistake.

A Bizarre Heart Transplant Surgery in Changchun City

One concerned reader from Changchun City pointed out that according to general medical knowledge, if 100 people who died in the world on that day were found, only one of these people’s hearts would be a match. The reader wanted to know how they could drive to a place 31 miles away within one day and find a donated heart?

“Such Persecution Is Absolutely Unacceptable”

Camden is located at about 80 km west of Sydney and is a very quiet and beautiful city. The Mayor welcomed practitioners to their city council meeting to be held the following Monday so that more people could learn about the atrocities.