

Sunday, Australia: Anger at corpses on show

Perth man Paul Krumins, who has experience in plastination, which replaces body fluids and tissue with resin, visited the exhibition in Sydney and was surprised that almost all the bodies were of young men, showing no obvious cause of death.

CIPFG Will Completely Investigate the Truth and End the Persecution of Falun Gong As Soon As Possible

When somebody is murdered or raped, who would be the most motivated people to file the case with the police for an investigation? Is it the police? Detectives? Lawyers? Or witnesses or the local governments? No. It is certainly the family members of the victims, because they are the people who are the most eager to investigate the case completely from the inside out and punish the perpetrators as they deserve.

A Bizarre Heart Transplant Surgery in Changchun City

One concerned reader from Changchun City pointed out that according to general medical knowledge, if 100 people who died in the world on that day were found, only one of these people’s hearts would be a match. The reader wanted to know how they could drive to a place 31 miles away within one day and find a donated heart?

Epoch Times: Australian Surgeons Condemn “Horrific” Organ Trade

“It is an ethical problem. When it is run by the state it becomes like ‘the ultimate tax.’ Once dead, the body is not yours to give but the states to decide.” “Our concern is that tens of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners are being kept there as organ banks.”

Council of Europe Motion Asks for a Hearing on the Organ-Harvesting Case

The second steering committee meeting of the Council of Europe in 2006 was held in Strasbourg from April 10th to 13th. 11 representatives of the COE raised a motion to ask for a hearing on the case which was recently exposed to the public regarding the CCP crimes of organ-harvesting from live Falun Gong practitioners.

Video: Witness Describes Organ Harvesting from Living Falun Gong Practitioners (English Subtitles)

Witness Annie said, “It is agonizing to recall the past. The organs removed from a living human being fetch a much higher price than from a dead body. After the live organ removal, some Falun Gong practitioners were still alive and breathing, but some of their bodies were directly thrown into the crematory oven. No trace of their bodies is left. Some families had no idea the organs had been removed.

RFI: Interview with Reporter Who First Revealed the CCP’s Harvesting Organs from Living Falun Gong Practitioners

The Washington Times in the US and The New Paper in Singapore recently published a Chinese reporter’s testimony one after another. He revealed that a few years ago when he was investigating the situation of SARS, he discovered that several thousand Falun Gong practitioners were imprisoned at the Liaoning Provincial Thrombosis Hospital of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine, and their organs were being harvested for sale.

Do Not Wait: Stop Crimes against Humanity in China Today

Everyone Should Help Stop These State-sponsored Crimes. Sixty years ago, fewer Jewish people would have been killed if more people had stepped forward in the name of justice and courage. At least, the extent of persecution would have not been that extensive. Our efforts today become so significant to those whose lives are in danger.