(Minghui.org) With Chinese New Year approaching, Falun Dafa practitioners in Australia and New Zealand wish to express their respect and gratitude to Dafa’s founder, Mr. Li Hongzhi, and wish him happy a New Year.

Occupational Therapist: Dafa Gave Me Back My Life
Yang Yang, an occupational therapist in Adelaide, South Australia, said that no words can express her gratitude to Master. “Dafa gave me back my life,” she said.
As a child in a single-parent family, Yang Yang was mocked by others and was abused by her stepfather. Her resulting inferiority complex triggered thoughts of suicide. When she was in high school, she visited a Falun Dafa practice site with her mother and grandmother and discovered an environment filled with kindness and warmth.
“I felt at peace, basking in the strong feelings of kindness. Whether participating in group exercises or studying the Fa, I was enveloped by this energy field that made me feel good and comfortable. The heaviness from my inferiority complex vanished, and my mind felt light. One morning, I joined a large group of people and we did the exercises beside the Funan River. When I opened my eyes after I meditated, the sun had risen, and golden rays sparkled across the river. The peaceful scene of practitioners happily chatting and laughing is deeply imprinted in my mind.
“I found myself able to talk about my deepest secrets freely without fear. At that time, I failed to hold my arms in the correct wheel holding position, so the exercise instructor filmed my movements so I could watch and learn. Whenever I made a mistake the elderly practitioners gently corrected me. Their selfless kindness gave me the impression that this was a pure, holy group.
“My mother used to be short tempered. However, after practicing Dafa, she changed. When I voiced my dissatisfaction and rudely spoke to her, she did not slap me like before. Practicing Falun Dafa has brought us closer.
“My appearance also changed for the better. My complexion always looked unhealthy. When I returned to school after I began practicing Falun Dafa, my classmates noticed my rosy cheeks and thought I was wearing makeup, which was against school regulations. I had to explain myself to the teacher. I realised my appearance changed because I practiced Falun Dafa. Besides improving my body and mind, I no longer had thoughts of committing suicide. If Dafa hadn’t saved my life, I would not possess the wonderful family, work, and life I have now.”
Yang Yang uses her spare time to clarify the truth and participates in projects to introduce Dafa. In response to a media’s accusation that Falun Dafa is taking advantage of practitioners, Yang Yang said, “They don’t know the power of faith. I’ve never felt motivated to do charity work, yet I know this is my mission. This is not a chore assigned by someone. I would be sad and uneasy if I could not help.”
At first, her mother-in-law and family members did not understand Yang Yang’s desire to work on Dafa projects and scolded her. After she gained some wisdom from studying the Fa, Yang Yang realized the need to designate some time to fulfill her family responsibilities. Afterwards, her family stopped complaining. “Sometimes my mother-in-law would tell me to carry out my Dafa work and worry less about housework.”
Yang Yang wants to wish Master Li a Happy New Year. “Master is the most important teacher in my life. No words can express my gratitude, nor how lucky I feel to be a Dafa disciple. Master has given us everything without asking for anything in return, selflessly devoting himself to saving, teaching and encouraging us to save the world’s people. Master’s selfless endurance and sacrifice are invisible. To give an example, Master has put in 100% of himself to help us, but only 1% is visible. To help Dafa practitioners and sentient beings, Master endures slander. I am determined to practice diligently.”

Letting Go of Attachments
Zhang Mingzhu’s mother suggested she read Zhuan Falun in 2000. Mingzhu said Falun Dafa was very different from the cultivation methods she’d previously tried. Falun Dafa focuses on cultivating one’s character, and has no formalities or rituals. Impressed, Mingzhu began learning the exercises and studying the Fa. She joined a TV media project and has worked both on and off screen for 20 years.
In 2018, Mingzhu moved from Taiwan to New Zealand with her husband, and found herself in a challenging new environment. As a student, English had been one of the subjects she excelled at. However, after settling down in New Zealand, she struggled to understand the British English accent used by locals. Besides feeling inadequate over her ability to communicate, Mingzhu’s previous experience working in a fast-paced media job caused her to become a control freak. In a country that enjoys a leisurely and slow pace, she found herself unable to integrate or understand the local culture.
Most Chinese practitioners in New Zealand hail from mainland China, and have different living habits, ways of speaking and doing things from people in Taiwan. This massive disruption to her life began triggering negative thoughts in Mingzhu. Doubting her own abilities, she refused to get to know new people or learn new things. “When these negative thoughts surface before I study the Fa, I turn to the first page of Zhuan Falun and gaze at Master’s image to ask for his blessing and remind myself that these thoughts are not mine and that I must reject them.” Gradually, Mingzhu realised these were manifestations of her attachment to self, which were exposed as a result of her new environment, and she knew she should eliminate them.
Now, Mingzhu can confidently speak about Falun Dafa to anyone. Besides working with other practitioners to introduce Falun Dafa and clarify the truth about the persecution in China, she also hosts Falun Dafa nine-day classes at home to help those who are interested in learning more about Falun Dafa. “I sincerely thank Master for arranging my cultivation path. I still have many human attachments to eliminate and will strive to do the three things well and be worthy of being called a Dafa disciple during the Fa-rectification. I am grateful for Master’s compassionate salvation. Thank you, Master! I wish you a happy New Year!”

Returning to My True Self
Julia moved from China to Australia 30 years ago. “At that time, communications technology was not that advanced, and I did not learn about Falun Dafa until the CCP began persecuting practitioners in China.”
Like many from China, Julia was an atheist. “Although I often wondered why we existed, I was unable to find any answers. After talking to practitioners and hearing the truth, I found that this group is not like how the CCP’s propaganda describes them. Sincere and kind, they just want to peacefully explain their side of the story. I wanted to learn more, so I asked a practitioner to get me a copy of the main book, Zhuan Falun.
Julia began practicing Falun Dafa in March 2003, and has practiced for the past 22 years.
“During my first attempt to read Zhuan Falun, I heard a “bang” as though thunder exploded in my head. I realized how extraordinary this book was and that I needed to cherish it.
“Soon after, while I was learning to meditate by watching the online exercise videos, I saw multicolored lights swirling in and out from between my eyebrows. I can still see this scene today.
“After I began practicing I discovered that my true purpose in life is to return to my original home. To this end, I strive to follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance to cultivate and improve my morality.”
To Julia’s delight, Udumbara flowers, a rare Buddhist flower that blooms once every three thousand years, started blooming throughout her home. “I found Udumbara flowers blooming on my car, walls, glass doors, window screens, air conditioner and potted plants. I feel so happy and lucky.
“I’ve experienced many difficulties over the past 20 years, but Dafa strengthened my faith, helped me understand the reasons for these encounters, helped me overcome these difficulties and pushed me forwards.”
This Chinese New Year, Julia would like to express her gratitude to Master Li: “I sincerely wish Master Li happy New Year! Thank you, Master!”
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