World News

World News

A Global Pattern of Harrasment: China’s Attack on Falun Gong

While the Chinese government claims that international expression of concern over its policies that violate human rights constitute an imposition on its state sovereignty, the regime has no misgivings about sending agents around the world not only to apply pressure and interfere in local events, but also to commit crimes in foreign countries.

“Persecution Meets Principles” Torture Enactment Exhibit

Falun Gong practitioners held “Persecution Meets Principles” torture enactment and picture exhibit at the Federal Plaza in downtown Chicago last month to demonstrate the cruel torture methods used on Falun Gong practitioners in China.

Lead Attorney in Lawsuit Charging Former Chinese Leader with Torture and Genocide

On May 27, 2004, the United States Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit will decide if former foreign heads of state may use the “head-of-state” defense, typically limited to sitting heads of state, to shield themselves from civil responsibility for the alleged crimes of torture, genocide and crimes against humanity.

Chinese Official Served With Lawsuit While Visiting United States

Bo Xilai, the Minister of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China, was served with a lawsuit during his visit to the United States. The complaint, brought by Li Weixum and others, alleges such serious human rights abuses as torture, genocide and other crimes against humanity carried out while persecuting Falun Gong practitioners in China.