(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners in Bulgaria held an event in the city of Veliko Tarnovo on December 2, 2023. They told people about the 24-year-long persecution of their fellow practitioners in China by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). This was the first in a series of events held by practitioners in honor of International Human Rights Day on December 10.
Veliko Tarnovo is a picturesque city located on the banks of the Yantra River. It was the capital of the Second Bulgarian State during the Middle Ages and in 2019 was declared the historic and spiritual capital of Bulgaria.
Practitioners put up informational displays, spoke to passersby, handed out informational materials, and gathered signatures on a petition condemning the CCP’s atrocities. Many people expressed their support for the practitioners and their shock at how brutally the CCP treats innocent Chinese citizens.

Elderly Man: “It is unbelievable that such atrocities remained hidden.”
Practitioners set up an information booth in the centre of the city at the Central Post Office, which is next to the National Academy of Arts and across from the Municipal Administration building, where there is a lot of cars and pedestrian traffic. Some drivers even reached out of their windows and took flyers.
After inquiring into the situation and getting an explanation, an elderly man was appalled by what the CCP does to practitioners—including the crime of forced organ harvesting.
“I have not heard of such a crime,” he said, “and I read a lot. It’s just unbelievable that such atrocities remained hidden for so long.”
He thanked the practitioner for the information and said that he would definitely look into Falun Dafa’s teachings.
People Sign the Petition
As an older woman, a young woman, and a little girl walked past the booth, the young woman took a flyer and kept walking. They returned a short time later. Valentina, the young woman, wanted to sign the petition.
She said she read the flyer and could not remain indifferent to the plight of the people in China. She asked for more information, and several times during the conversation, her mouth fell open in shock. “It’s terrible, it’s terrible!” she said.
She signed the petition and her little daughter took a photograph at the booth in support of practitioners.
Two young women, Miglena and Veronika, took flyers and listened to a practitioner’s explanation. Miglena signed the petition immediately, while Veronika continued to listen. When she heard about the CCP’s forced organ harvesting, she also signed. “Taking organs from living people who practice Falun Dafa is what made me sign the petition,” she said.

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