(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners participated in the EveryWoman Expo from June 16 to 18, 2023 at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre. They set up a booth and displayed posters and publications to promote Falun Dafa’s health benefits and to tell people about the ongoing persecution in China.
Over 150 exhibitors participated in the event and provided information and products on health, beauty, lifestyle and cooking. The expo attracts approximately 14,000 visitors each year.
Practitioners demonstrated the exercises in front of a bright blue poster, which drew the attention of many event-goers who stopped and talked with them. They were curious about the exercises and wanted to learn more about Falun Dafa. One person said, “The energy at your booth is absolutely stunning, totally attractive.” Another said, “Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is the best thing one can do.”

Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance: The Best Thing
Maggie Rowan talked to a practitioner at the booth and asked where she could learn the exercises. “I am very interested, and I will call the practitioner. I want to sign up and learn the practice,” she said.
After watching practitioners demonstrate the exercises, she said, “I can see that this is the kind of practice that I want.” “Today’s society lacks Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. Everyone is busy running around and thinking only of themselves, and not others. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is the best thing one can do.”

“Stunning Energy”
Jan told a practitioner, “The energy at your booth is absolutely stunning, very attractive. Everyone here is really nice.”
She said that she saw practitioners perform the Dragon Dance and Waist Drums in Willetton, and really enjoyed it. “I like the principles you follow very much,” she said, “I believe that Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance are the true, good principles in life, the kind of virtues that I absolutely value in a person.”

Aniqa Hussain from India and her family watched practitioners do the exercises. The practitioners gave Aniqa and her family Falun Dafa fliers and origami lotus flowers. Aniqa said, “The energy here is beautiful.” She said she understood practitioners’ state when they meditate, “Outside of this material world there is another one, where we can relax, and our thoughts, bodies, and souls become one.”

Elena and her daughter stopped in front of the booth. She told practitioners, “I never heard of Falun Dafa before, but I want to learn more about it. The [Falun Dafa] booth gives a very optimistic, calm, and pleasant energy,” she said.

Sign Petition to End the Persecution of Falun Dafa
Roweena Conlon came to the Falun Dafa booth and asked to sign the petition. “I heard about Falun Dafa and I know that the Chinese Communist Party persecutes the practice. I came here to sign the petition [to end the persecution].
“I like Falun Dafa [practitioners]. Not many people can take time to relax and allow themselves to be in a benevolent atmosphere,” she said, “Sadly the Chinese Communist Party does not like that, as it wants everyone to listen to what it has to say. People can’t think for themselves, and don’t have their own spiritual experience.”
“I believe that we all need to be informed about what is happening in the world. The Chinese Communist Party, to make more money and profits, persecutes people with different beliefs, thoughts, and ideology.
“People must be tolerant of each other. Kindness will triumph over everything,” she said.

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