Falun Dafa Practitioners Strongly Supported at the Pacific Pines Winterfest

Falun Dafa practitioners were very well received at the 2019 Pacific Pines Winterfest held on July 28.

The largest annual community event in the Gold Coast hinterland, welcomed well over 6,000 attendees to Central Park Oval where there was a very diverse mix of stalls, community groups, food and family friendly entertainment.

Practitioners delivered the latest copy of the Compassion Magazine to incumbent Queensland Member for Gaven Meaghan Scanlon who took a moment out of her busy day to have her photo taken with the local group of practitioners. Ms Scanlon said it was always a pleasure to meet with Falun Dafa practitioners.

Falun Dafa Practitioners with Queensland Member for Gaven Meaghan Scanlon MP.

Practitioners also welcomed event organiser Vikki Hocking from the Pacific Pines Residents Group and incumbent Gold Coast City Councillor for Division 5 Peter Young to join practitioners for another group photo.

Ms Hocking mentioned Falun Dafa practitioners had been a regular participant at the festival and seen it grow from its humble beginnings as the Pacific Pines United Expo back in the year 2013.

Councillor Young was interested in hearing more about where Falun Dafa meditation classes are held, and was very pleased to hear they were being promoted through the city’s Active and Healthy Program, which his office has financially supported.

Falun Dafa Practitioners with Gold Coast City Councillor Peter Young and Event Organiser Vikki Hocking.

Many people who visited the Falun Dafa stall felt very peaceful and serene after receiving a flyer and sparkling lotus flower, which symbolises peace and purity in traditional Chinese culture.

One woman felt very amazed to learn about the meaning of the lotus and thanked practitioners from the bottom of her heart. She said she would also encourage her husband to learn the Falun Dafa exercises.

Another woman said her encounter with the beauty of Falun Dafa’s peaceful practice “really made her day”.

Introducing Falun Dafa to passerbys.

Practitioners were also invited onto the stage to demonstrate the five sets of standing and sitting exercises. The audience listened very carefully to the emceeing and afterwards some of them visited the Falun Dafa stall in-person to find out where they could join one of the free and volunteer-run practice sites.