Practitioners in Toronto have offered free Falun Gong exercise instructions at the city’s Stan Wadlow Clubhouse on Saturday afternoons since January this year. Many people learned the smooth and gentle exercises with some remarking about great improvements to their physical and mental health.
“Falun Gong Helped Me Quit Smoking After 53 Years”
At one session, Patrick said that after he began to practice Falun Gong a few years back, “Falun Gong helped me quit smoking after 53 years. I quit drinking as well.”
About three years ago Patrick read Zhuan Falun, the main book of the practice, in a library. He then read all of the teachings. “I started to read and exercise once I got home. Shortly after that I quit smoking and drinking. My mind just opened up and the way I handled things changed. There was more peace and less fighting and complaints,” he said.
He came to the session because he wanted to join other practitioners when exercising.

“I Just Feel That I Am So Fortunate”
Kathleen Filiphuk is a retired nurse. She learned about the session from a newspaper. “At the time my husband was diagnosed with dementia and I was told that I might have stomach cancer. I was upse and decided to come and give it a try,” she said.
The first time she came to the session, her stomach hurt so terribly that she couldn’t do the exercises. “I began to recite ‘Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.’ Slowly the pain went away and I was able to continue exercising,” said Kathleen.
It wasn’t easy for her to leave home and come to the sessions because of her husband’s condition. She wanted to come because “the practice always takes the pressure off me and I was able to relax and calm down. No matter how hard it is, I will continue to do this. I just feel that I am so fortunate.”

“These Great People Shouldn’t Be Persecuted”
A friend of Seneia Suele’s suggested to him to learn Falun Gong when he was at a health forum in January. “And here I am, I feel wonderful. The practitioners are very nice and patient when teaching me. They give me the confidence to continue the practice,” he said.
When he learned that the Falun Gong practitioners are being persecuted in China for their faith, he was bothered. “I really couldn’t understand it. These great people shouldn’t be persecuted. I will let more people know how the Chinese regime lies about the practice,” said Seneia.
Ms. Zhang is from Shenzhen, China. She said that she benefited tremendously from the practice. “I feel like a different person now. I hope the Chinese people who bought into the Chinese regime’s propagandas against Falun Gong could take the time to read the books and learn the exercises. They will not think the same afterward,” Zhang said.

More Sessions
Mr. Li Bo, a practitioner at the teaching sessions, said that many people preferred to learn the exercises face to face. “We will continue to hold these sessions in April at Warden Hilltop Community Centre. We welcome everyone to join us every Saturday from noon to 2 p.m.,” he said.