Month: June 2007

A Tragedy to be Repeated?

In the summer of 1936, an Olympic Games of unprecedented grandeur was held in Berlin, Germany, amidst the sly grins of the Nazis, with Adolf Hitler making the opening speech. The flames of the relay torch, the first in the games’ history, lit the sky throughout the Games, and in the end Germany was a proud winner of the most gold medals. Three years later, Germany blitzed through Poland, the Second World War broke out and the world was plunged into havoc.

WOIPFG: Investigation into Chinese Embassy and Consulates in the U.S. Controlling CSSA’s to Export the CCP’s Human Rights Violations

New Tang Dynasty Television (NTDTV), with its headquarters in New York City (NYC), will host the International Chinese Classical Dance Competition at New York University from July 6 to 8 in 2007. Due to the independent and outspoken nature of NTDTV, as well as its long-term focus on human rights issues in China, including the persecution of Falun Gong, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has spared no effort to interfere with NTDTV’s events.

The Olympics Can’t Cover Up the CCP’s Genocide

The CCP promised to improve human rights if they were granted the right to hold the Olympic Games, but from the current situation we can see that human rights in China have not improved at all, but rather they continue to deteriorate. History will show that only the demise of the CCP can provide the Chinese people a way out.

The Leader (Melbourne): Long trek to Turtle Award

When Jane Dai’s husband Chengyong Chen lost his life fighting for his beliefs the couple’s daughter was just a baby. Fa Du Chen will never remember the short time she spent with her father and must now learn about the strong-willed man through stories and photographs.

CIPFG: Boycotting the Olympic Games 2008 for Human Rights Is Not Politics (Photos)

At a press conference held at the Canadian Parliament on May 30, 2007, acclaimed Jewish scholar and chairman of the Organ Donation Committee of the Kidney Foundation for Eastern Ontario, and the chair of the “Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong in China” (CIPFG), Rabbi Reuven Bulka, declared that boycotting the Olympic Games 2008 is not politics, but a human rights issue.