World News

World News

French Police Arrest American, UK, Danish, French Citizens for “Wearing Yellow” During Chinese State Visit

A key part of Jiang’s persecution of Falun Gong is a blockade on all independent information about Falun Gong. Under Jiang’s direction, the state-run media in China has gone to great lengths to demonize Falun Gong — an image that is shattered by the knowledge that Falun Gong is legal everywhere except China (and there the ban contravenes the Chinese Constitution), and practiced in sixty countries around the world.

Chinese Official Noted in Default in Libel Case (Photo)

Chipkar says he has proof that Chinese Consulate officials in Toronto held a hate rally to condemn Falun Gong. They sent hate materials to government officials across Canada asking them to not support constituents who practise Falun Gong in Canada and they have held a hate pictorial display in their visa office for the past year.

Defamatory Propaganda Causes Immeasurable Harm to Society

Even after Les Presses Chinoises was sued in 2002 and ordered to stop its defamation, it continued to carry full-length articles from mainland China that demonized Falun Gong. Then, two questions still exist; what kind of role has Les Presses Chinoises played in defaming Falun Gong, and what harm has it brought to the plaintiffs?