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World News

Portuguese Sign Falun Gong Petition to Stop Forced Organ Harvesting

Falun Gong practitioners in Portugal collected signatures on a petition in Lisbon on February 19, 2017. The petition called for an end to the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) state-sanctioned forced organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners for profit. Local residents and tourists from all over the world were very supportive. Every week, Falun Gong …

Portuguese Sign Falun Gong Petition to Stop Forced Organ Harvesting Read More »

Five Shen Yun Companies Deliver “Awe-Inspiring” Traditions to Five Cities

Five Shen Yun Performing Arts touring companies performed in five cities in North America and Asia February 18 and 19, 2017: Minneapolis, Minnesota; Baltimore, Maryland; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Chicago, Illinois; and Taipei, Taiwan. Sold-out houses were common. The Merriam Theater in Philadelphia added two shows to the originally-scheduled ten performances due to the large demand. The …

Five Shen Yun Companies Deliver “Awe-Inspiring” Traditions to Five Cities Read More »

Italy: Forced Organ Harvesting in China Draws Criticism at Organ Trafficking Summit

“Right now, without free and independent inspection, there is no evidence that China has actually put an end to the cruel and illegal practice of forced organ harvesting, particularly from Falun Gong practitioners, and also Christians and other prisoners of conscience,” stated Italian Senator Maurizio Romani, vice president of the Health Commission during a press conference …

Italy: Forced Organ Harvesting in China Draws Criticism at Organ Trafficking Summit Read More »

Raising Awareness at New Zealand’s Waitangi Day Celebrations

Falun Gong practitioners participated in the celebration of Waitangi Day on February 6, a public holiday commemorating the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, New Zealand’s founding document, on that date in 1840. About one hundred thousand people attend the celebration in Waitangi every year. Practitioners took the opportunity to tell the public about the …

Raising Awareness at New Zealand’s Waitangi Day Celebrations Read More »

Rome, Italy: Public Supports Effort Against Persecution of Falun Gong in China

Falun Gong practitioners held public events in front of the Chinese Embassy in Rome, Italy on February 8, 2017 to raise awareness of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) state-sanctioned killing of practitioners in China for their organs. They demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises and set up banners and posters. A woman named Stefania said to …

Rome, Italy: Public Supports Effort Against Persecution of Falun Gong in China Read More »

Falun Gong Artworks Impact Employees and Visitors at Pennsylvania Capitol

Falun Gong practitioners held a “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance” Art Exhibition in the Pennsylvania State Capitol in Harrisburg from January 4 to 30. As the state representatives initiated a resolution condemning the state-sanctioned organ harvesting in China, the art exhibition offered a chance for the lawmakers and staff members to learn about Falun Gong and the persecution of …

Falun Gong Artworks Impact Employees and Visitors at Pennsylvania Capitol Read More »

Falun Gong Supporters in China Wish Master Li Hongzhi a Happy Chinese New Year

Despite the severe persecution of Falun Gong in China, many people learned the real story behind the persecution due to practitioners’ efforts to raise awareness. After seeing through the communist regime’s propaganda and showing their support, many of these people reported experiencing good fortune. On the eve of Chinese New Year, Falun Gong supporters from …

Falun Gong Supporters in China Wish Master Li Hongzhi a Happy Chinese New Year Read More »

Shen Yun Offers Grace and Inspiration to North American Audiences

Shen Yun Performing Arts’ 2017 North American tour has been enthralling audiences across the United States and Canada since early January. Shen Yun’s International Company gave six performances at the Kennedy Centre Opera House at the U.S. Capitol from January 17 through January 22, 2017. The occasion attracted over 10,000 attendees, and for some performances, …

Shen Yun Offers Grace and Inspiration to North American Audiences Read More »