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New Science of Mankind

One day in July 1995, I received a book from my parents in China. The name of the book was ZHUAN FALUN. The author was Mr. Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Dafa. After reading only a few pages, I felt that both my mind and body were overwhelmed by a magnificent power. I could not get away from the book that night, and I continued to read it until five o'clock the next morning.

Victoria Falun Association Writes to Minister Mr Phillip Ruddock

We, Falun Dafa practitioners from Victoria, respectfully request your urgent attention to the plight of Mr. and Mrs. Wang who were near to being deported back to China yesterday in Sydney. Since they practice Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong) they would face persecution for their practice.

Urgent Letter to Minister Mr Ruddock

As an Australian citizen and Falun Dafa practitioner I would like to express
my concern in regards to the Australian governments position on Falun Dafa.