News & Media

news and media

My Search for Truth is Over –Now the Real Work Begins

I have been seeking truth most of my life. When I was four years old, I brought a Bible to my mother and asked her to teach me to read. She did not think that she could teach me to read so she said that I should wait until I went to school to learn.

My Mom and Dad Were Taken Away (Photo)

I’m a Dafa practitioner in Mainland China, and I’m over three years old. I can recite many of Master’s articles and poems from Hong Yin. I especially like listening to Master teaching the Fa and Falun Dafa music.

AFP: China clams up on SARS information

China’s media offensive to put the country in a better light on the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), has also stretched to Internet news sites and chatrooms.

Doctors and medical officials have also been ordered not to talk.

SMH: Beijing urged to come clean on extent of infection

WHO experts searching for the origins of the outbreak in China urged officials there to come clean on the scale of the disease after a Time magazine report in which a doctor claimed the capital’s main hospital for SARS cases had admitted 60 patients with the virus, of whom seven died.