News & Media

news and media

Late-Term Abortion Forced on Falun Gong Practitioner

One year ago, a woman in China’s Henan Province was sentenced to five years in prison because she refused to give up her faith in Falun Gong, and refused to curse the spiritual practice as ordered by the Chinese government. However, only recently was her story published on overseas websites in order to direct international attention to China’s human rights issues.

AAP: Chen flies to US to speak on Falun Gong

Chen Yonglin left on Tuesday for Los Angeles, where he will attend a US Congress hearing “to testify about Falun Gong and human rights abuses in China”, The Australian newspaper reports.

Falun Gong persecution reaches 6 years – too long

Wednesday 20 July 2005, marks six years since the persecution of Falun Gong began in China in July 1999. The death toll and number of cases of torture and forced labour has continued to increase every month, making the persecution of Falun Gong the most serious issue in China today.

Directions Hearing for Falun Gong Legal Action against Minister Downer

On Monday 18 July 2005, a Directions Hearing will be held in the Supreme Court of the ACT. The case will be heard in court from 9am and a press conference will be held outside the court immediately after the hearing. The plaintiffs and lawyer for the plaintiffs will be available for interview.

An Australian’s Letter to Parliamentary Members for Falun Gong

The Peaceful Protest in Front of the Chinese Embassy Is Upholding The Human Dignity. It Is the Chinese Government That Has Caused All These Protests. The Australian Government Should Take Its Responsibility to Urge the Chinese Government to Stop the Persecution.