

Music Video: Coming for You

Crossing over thousands of mountains and millions of rivers, I came for you over and over again
I came because of my love for you. Precious Chinese people, please carefully listen to these words from my heart.

Coming for You: Chapter 6 – Joel and Zenon

Joel and I had been very careful. We made spontaneous “U” turns and looking over our shoulders, we were fairly confident that neither of us had been followed. We decided to take my car back to downtown Beijing together and go to Joel’s hotel.

Coming for You: Chapter 7 – Some Company in Beijing

I wanted to record some video footage of the city streets of Beijing, full of cars and people in their hustle and bustle. If I ever wanted to make a video of this trip I was going to need a lot more footage of China besides the Great Wall.

Ancient Dietary Wisdom

A healthy Chinese diet is based on much more than mere nutritional considerations that are so important to diet-conscious Westerners. Food for the Chinese is part of their culture, their heritage, closely linked with medicine and even the arts and politics of the ancients.


How we shine brighter than the sun, here and beyond the skies.
To every world from many a heart, awakening together as one.

Coming for You: Chapter 3 – Flying to China

I just sat back, feeling so small amidst all of
the greater things in life. Life was so grand, immense and I was honored just
to be a part of it. This sense of responsibility came over me.

Coming for You: Chapter 4 – Arriving in China

By the time it was my
turn, it felt like my heart was beating so fast and hard that it was going to
deliver a series of rabbit punches to the head of the customs agent. He typed
my information into the computer, asked no questions and then waved me along.

Coming for You: Chapter 5 – Journey to the Great Wall of China

Many of the police were sleeping in the lobby so I was tip-toeing around them for fear of waking them up. Exiting through the revolving doors I entered the crisp dark Bejing early morning. The shirt I used to clean the carpet was thrown in a trash can on my way out. Although the streets were empty just as I left the hotel grounds a taxi cab pulled up. I pointed to the map and off we went.