

“Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance” Art Exhibit Held in Canberra

In early August, Canberra practitioners held a 4-day “Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance” art exhibition at a bustling shopping centre in Queanbeyan to clarify the truth to local residents. The city is located on the border between New South Wales and Canberra. After the practitioners clarified the purpose of the exhibition, the shopping centre administration, the shopping centre offered the exhibition site for free.

Falun Dafa At The “Nambour Festival” Sunshine Coast

On August 6 2006, Falun Dafa practitioners participated in the “Nambour Festival” (formerly known as the “Sugar Festival”) which is an annual event held on the Sunshine Coast in South East Queensland, Australia.

Mr Downer still ordered to provide evidence to court;

On Tuesday 8 August, erected mass banners will be included in the ongoing protest by Falun Gong practitioners outside the Chinese Embassy in Canberra for the first time in four years – a peaceful act that Foreign Minister Alexander Downer had prohibited from March 2002 until March 2006.

ABC, Australia: Falun Gong banner ban lifted

Falun Gong has been allowed to use large banners in its protests outside the Chinese embassy in Canberra, four years after they were banned by Foreign Affairs Minister Alexander Downer.

Canadian Falun Dafa Association Cautions Media over Coverage of CCP Denials

The CCP has a 60-year history of suppression and killing through decades of brutal campaigns from the Great Leap Forward, to the Cultural Revolution, to the Tiananmen Square student massacre. It has frequently denied proven atrocities. Yet, why do some Chinese media in Canada continue to carry their denials instead of demanding that they cease these practices?

Christian Science Monitor,MA: China faces suspicions about organ harvesting

A pair of human rights activists are charging that “a crime against humanity” is happening on a large scale in China. Members of Falun Gong, a spiritual movement banned by the Chinese government since 1999, are being “in effect, murdered for their organs,” which are being sold to buyers from China and abroad, says David Kilgour, a former member of the Canadian Parliament and coauthor of the report.