

Falun Gong and the NTDTV Chinese New Year Spectacular

When thousands of Western audience members left the theater after watching the Chinese New Year Spectacular, they had gained a new understanding of ancient Chinese culture. It is marvelous that people can enjoy traditional Chinese culture.

A Brief Introduction to the Ancient Chinese Calendar

Mankind established calendars to keep track of time. The elements of calendars are years, months and days. The ancient Chinese calendar may be the most complicated calendar system. It remains a mystery even to a lot of Chinese people.

I Am So Grateful That I Was Introduced To Falun Dafa

I am probably the most suspicious person in the world when it comes to beliefs. I am a lawyer, I look for evidence. I insist on tangible signs. And yet when I read the book Zhuan Falun, I felt that everything that I had seen in the world constituted evidence for what is described in this book about “Truthfulnes, Compassion, Forbearance.”


Surely we, as a democratic nation, must not condone such scheming by the Chinese Consulate, and with the lead up to the Olympic Games, China’s representatives need to be firmly challenged on their country’s relentless and appalling human rights track record.