(Minghui.org) Twenty-five news media in India reported on the 25th anniversary of the April 25 appeal, allowing their readers to know how and why this day matters in modern history.
The appeal on April 25, 1999, was a silent and orderly demonstration of around 10,000 Falun Dafa practitioners in China who requested that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) allow them a non-hostile environment to practice their faith and to release their fellow practitioners who were wrongfully arrested in Tianjin.
The historically significant gathering was the largest peaceful appeal ever held in China. But in the three months that followed, the CCP twisted the facts and propagandised the event as a “siege” on Zhongnanhai and launched the persecution of Falun Dafa on July 20, 1999, which continues to date.

Newspaper Editor Urges More Outlets Not to “Remain Silent”
Sandhya Rajurkar hopes that more and more editors can shine a light on this significant event.
She said, “I wonder why the big, mainstream media does not report on such crimes against humanity. Doesn’t remaining silent mean your conscience is dead?”

Assistant professor Sankalp Hadke from Mumbai is a reader of Sandya’s publication, the Daily Bahujan Saurabh. He said, “I was shocked to learn about innocent people in China being denied their right to practice their faith. I condemn this act and stand in solidarity with the Falun Dafa practitioners.”
Some of these media reported in the past about Falun Dafa’s health benefits, along with the life stories of Indian celebrities who are also practitioners. During the week leading up to the 25th anniversary of the appeal, the following news media reported on the historic event:
Newspapers (print):
Lokmaya, published from Raipur, Bhopal, and Delhi
Udhay Prabhat from Uttrakhand
Daily Bhaujan Saurabh from Mumbai
Vidarbha Ki Dahad from Amravati
Nirantar from Beawar
Deep Jagriti from Chhattisgarh
Prakash from Kolkata
Brij Vimla Vani from Pratapgarh
Social Reporter from Kanpur
and three newspapers from the city of Lucknow — Anandi Mail, Prakhar Vikas, and Yug Vaibhav.
Web news portals:
Samar Times (both in Hindi and English)
The Fire 2 News
Pipariya Peoples
Uttar Pradesh (UP) Plus
Nishpaksh Pratidin
News Home Live
Svasjs News
Narayani News
News India Host
News of Fatehpur.

Readers Commend the Media Covering Falun Dafa
A housewife from northern India, Gurmeet, is well aware of the CCP’s propaganda against Falun Dafa and also knows that some regional media have been lending their support to the persecuted faith and helping practitioners raise awareness about the ongoing suppression in China. She said that journalists and news media should stand for truth because “the public believes in them no matter what they write, therefore, their responsibility is ever so great.
“The Indian democracy guarantees freedom of faith and freedom of press. It’s good that these local Indian newspapers are showing their support,” said Gurmeet. “The persecution happening in China is very bad and shouldn’t have happened in the first place. Governments across the world should cherish and protect their citizens of faith who uphold morality and traditional values, as these people are the hope of humankind and the world.”
Maya Radheshyam, 79, from southern India, knows the background of Falun Dafa as her daughter is a practitioner. Maya said that she’s very thankful to these courageous editors who are helping expose the truth.
“I support Falun Dafa,” she said, adding that the way the Chinese regime has been treating this peaceful practice is “simply inhumane.”
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