Shen Yun Stuns Theatergoers in Four States: “Incredible,” “Moving,” “How Beautiful Life Can Be”

( Shen Yun Performing Arts presented twelve performances during the first week of November 2021 in four U.S. states: New Mexico, Idaho, Colorado, and Virginia.

A number of audience members expressed awe not only regarding the performances’ high artistry, but the ability of the performers and dedication to present values that some said were “important” and “timely” in today’s society.


“The Divine Creator Gave Them That Gift”

The Crimmins and Higgins family enjoyed Shen Yun at Norfolks’ Chrysler Hall in Virginia on November 6.

“I like the message, that there’s something bigger than us. And the beauty, the colors, the life, and the hope and that there’s meaning to what we do in life,” Patricia Crimmins said.

Patricia is an ex-Marine, and both she and her husband Paul played in the Marine Band for over 20 years. Patricia, who was a master sergeant, played the saxophone and clarinet, while Paul played the trumpet.

“The music is fantastic,” Patricia said. “It was phenomenal. Unbelievable what the erhu player could do. She was very well disciplined.”

“That was incredible music,” Paul said. “I really liked the mixture between the Eastern and Western sounds. It was moving.”

“The colors were stunning,” he said. “Then, [the characters] going from the screen to the stage, from the stage to the screen, that is an amazing thing.”

Referring to the traditional virtue and culture she saw in Shen Yun’s performances, Patricia said, “I think there needs to be more of it. It needs to be brought back in the way it was brought back tonight. Through the artistry, the music, the dance—more people need to see it.”

“Shen Yun performers have a gift, and you can see where their gift came from; the Divine Creator gave them that gift. They’re apostles, disciples,” she explained.

Elizabeth Higgins said that the performances “exceeded expectations.” She said that she was especially impressed by the final piece in the program.

Shen Yun performers are not afraid to express their message because there’s a lot of people who believe the message of the divine power. Tonight, it was shared with us,” she said.

Bill Higgins was also touched by the story of a Divine Creator. “We should all not stifle our light,” he said. “We need to let His light shine through us and take care of one another.”

Both families said that they enjoyed Shen Yun enormously and would be returning to see it again.

“It’s great to share the culture. The Shen Yun performers did such an outstanding job with their hard work and dedication,” Elizabeth said.


The Higgins couple (left), with their mother, and the Crimmins couple (right) attended the Shen Yun Performance in Virginia on November 6.


“Fantastic” and “Gorgeous”

Musicians Suzanne and Todd Lowry saw Shen Yun at the Popejoy Hall in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on November 1. Suzanne, who plays the piano and harp, said she waited five years to see Shen Yun.

“Beautiful! The costumes are so beautiful, and the dance is so wonderful. I couldn’t wait to see it. The orchestra was fantastic. It’s gorgeous,” Suzanne added, “The piano is lovely, and the vocals are lovely,” she said.

Todd, a pianist, found Shen Yun very spiritual. “I like the whole idea of Heaven and the Divine… [The music is] very beautiful, and the dancing is outstanding,” he said.


Todd and Suzanne Lowry saw Shen Yun at the Popejoy Hall in Albuquerque, New Mexico on November 1, 2021.


“How Beautiful Life Can Be”

Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier saw Shen Yun with his wife at the Morrison Centre for the Performing Arts in Boise, Idaho, on November 2.

“It’s really a stark contrast between how beautiful life can be—when humans live in peace and harmony—and the kind of society that we’ve built for ourselves today that’s built on corrupt and false traditions that lack the divine spirit,” said Lt. Col. Lohmeier, who is also an author and a public speaker.

“I sensed a warning in the performance. We’ve become so disconnected from that divine spirit and so connected to a ruined spirit. This is a call, a beckoning to come back to the divine influence.

“It resonates with societies, I think, across the globe. And so, it’s timely, important, and a message that we all need today.

“Another really important part of the performance tonight was that it draws awareness to all of the evils of the Chinese communist regime today, like organ harvesting,” he said.


Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier and his wife at the Shen Yun performance.


“Very Blessed To see It and Hear It”

Richard and Jean Hess saw Shen Yun at The Buell Theatre in Denver, Colorado, on November 7.

Jean is a chieftain at the Saint Andrews Society of Colorado, a Scottish society, and a mental health counselor. Her husband Richard is a professor of the Old Testament and Semitic Languages at Denver Seminary. They hail from Glasgow, Scotland.

Jean described the performance as “exquisite, incredible, beautiful,” and even “thrilling at times.”

She is an expert in Scottish dance. She was impressed with the classical Chinese dance’s “artistry and the portrayal of elegance.”

“Every little [gesture] and the elasticity of their bodies—oh my gosh,” she said. “Absolutely wonderful. So glad we got to come.”

“I believe that art is the creation of value, and I think that this reflects the values of the people,” Richard said.

“It’s just a pleasure to be able to see that unfold in so many ways,” he said. “And in many ways, we resonate with many of the values represented in the dance and in the music, in the songs, and we felt very blessed to see it and hear it.”

“I appreciate it highlighting the reality of the CCP’s mistreatment and persecution in a very beautiful, effective way,” Jean said. “Of course, a lot of people don’t know that is the real situation. I don’t think it’s very often in the news,” she commented.

As a researcher of Christian history, Richard added that Shen Yun’s mission to uphold traditional values is deeply worthwhile.

“I think it’s very important, because if we lose these values, we lose an understanding of the values of the human person. And when that’s lost, then it’s simply a matter of power and greed and a disintegration of the society, sadly,” he said.


Richard and Jean Hess at the Shen Yun performance.


“Stunning” and “Very Touching”

Actress Zoe Hancock saw Shen Yun with her husband at the Popejoy Hall in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on November 2.

“Stunning… It’s not like anything you see today,” said Ms. Hancock.

“I love Chinese culture, so it’s wonderful to see the dancing and the storytelling. “The water sleeves are beautiful,” she said, referring to the Water Sleeves piece. “The women are truly elegant, and I love the color.”

Ms. Hancock continued, “The dancers all have a light and inner light about them, and the colors are certainly vibrant that way. I’m a spiritual person, so I’m really loving what I’m seeing and what I’m feeling. I just wish the Chinese people the best. “We want you all to be free and we want you to have the life that you want.

“The spiritual aspect of Shen Yun is very touching. And I think it’s important today, important for the message, important for what we’ve just all lived through for the past few years. “We need to connect to our higher selves. We’ve been so focused on what’s going on down here,” she said.


The Hancocks attended the Shen Yun performance in Albuquerque on November 2.


The Shen Yun North America Company’s curtain call at the Popejoy Hall in Albuquerque, New Mexico on November 1. The company presented two performances in Albuquerque on November 1 and 2.
The Shen Yun Global Company’s curtain call at the Morrison Centre for the Performing Arts in Boise, Idaho, on November 3, 2021. The company presented two performances in Boise on November 2 and 3.
Curtain call by the Shen Yun North America Company at The Buell Theatre in Denver, Colorado, on November 5, 2021. The company presented five performances in Denver on November 4–7.
The Shen Yun World Company’s curtain call at the Chrysler Hall in Norfolk, Virginia, on November 5. The company presented three performances in Norfolk on November 5 and 6.


Upcoming Performances

Shen Yun continues its 2021-2022 tour with upcoming performances:

Boston, Massachusetts, November 13–14
New Brunswick, New Jersey, November 20–21
Minneapolis, Minnesota, December 3–4
Des Moines, Iowa, December 4–5.

For more information on tickets and dates, please visit