(Minghui.org) On the weekend of October 10, 2021, Falun Dafa practitioners in Paris held activities to raise awareness at Place Saint-Michel.
Ms. Irene Fernandes, an advertising account manager who stopped at the practitioners’ display, said, “This persecution cannot be accepted. The whole world must join forces to oppose the CCP’s autocratic rule. We must stop it from suppressing Falun Dafa—this is most important.”
Practitioners also held events at Chatelet Les Halles on two consecutive Saturday afternoons – October 16 & 23, 2021. They demonstrated the five sets of exercises, introduced the mind-body practice and exposed the CCP’s crimes against humanity including forced removal of organs from detained practitioners. They asked people to sign the petition to help end the persecution.

Let Everyone Know About the Persecution
Yacobi is a photographer. He said, “The CCP is a great threat to people. It decides everything and there is absolutely no path to freedom. The lives of Chinese citizens in China are worth nothing [to the CCP].” “The CCP wants people to be scared, so they can remain in power. They make people terrified because they themselves are afraid of the citizens, who are the majority.” He continued: “Chinese citizens should wake up and stop putting up with the same mistreatment, for the sake of future generations.”
He also thinks that Western countries investing in China is actually making the CCP rich. Consequently, these investors have done a bad thing. “If we stop these financing activities, the CCP will not have the means to carry out such persecution.” Before leaving, he said, “The only to do is to continue this fight, spread the message and let everyone know.”

My Heart Is With All of You
Julien is a horse trainer and works in the outskirts of Paris. He talked to practitioners for a long time. He said, “It is very important to tell people what is happening in China and around the world. Because the media doesn’t report such things, thankfully, you are here to tell people this information. Organ harvesting by the CCP, this is murder. If we can do something, I would take them to court. This (organ harvesting) is not something humans can do, it is inhuman. People should conduct themselves like humans.”
He thinks that the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance taught by Falun Dafa are excellent values. Before he left he said, “Thank you for doing the exercises and meditating here, exposing the brutal crimes. My heart is with all of you. I support you!”

“I Admire Falun Dafa Practitioners”
Nithasan is a student from Sri Lanka studying law. He told practitioners he never heard of the CCP’s brutal persecution of Falun Dafa before. He was shocked and said, “How can something like organ harvesting take place today?”
As an Asian, he said, “Falun Dafa is a form of meditation, it is a philosophy, it benefits people’s minds and bodies and has nothing to do with politics. Yet the CCP insists on getting rid of those who don’t agree with it. The Party is monstrous, cruel and terrifying. I cannot tolerate it. I admire Falun Dafa practitioners.”
He believes that similarly, the CCP has been lying about the coronavirus. He said people are beginning to realise the true face of the CCP. It has caught everyone’s attention and will have repercussions globally, not only in China, and Hong Kong but everywhere in the world. “This persecution is a serious matter, the whole world must know about it. You have done well to inform many people about it. I congratulate you, keep up the good work!”

Parisians Hope to Learn More About Falun Dafa
Liliane Duhail, 80, came to Paris to attend an exhibition. She was sad to learn of the persecution and said, “Such things still happen in our times. It is terrible. Frankly speaking, this should not exist. People have the right to live, the right to freedom.” She accepted the brochure on Falun Dafa and hoped to learn more about the practice.
Ms. Do, another passerby who stopped to learn more, thought it was preposterous that the CCP forbids people from practicing Falun Dafa. She pointed out that it is a way for people to cultivate their inner self and is the best way to live one’s life.
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