Puerto Rico: “I Hope You Get So Many Petition Signatures That the World Runs Out of Paper!”

Falun Dafa’s participation in the 2016 Baby Boomers Festival at the Puerto Rico Convention Center made it possible for more than 20,000 people from many parts of the island to get their first glimpse of the genocide in China and to discover the peaceful beauty of Falun Dafa.

Even before the festival started people were signing the petition. With just one glance at the posters and banners, shocked that such monstrous inhumanity exists on earth today, they asked, “Where do I sign?”

People from all walks of life attended the first Puerto Rican exhibition documenting the persecution of Falun Dafa in China. Visitors were moved to tears or silent as they kneeled to get closer to the posters. They then stood in awe after learning that such evil is being consistently resisted by indomitable faith.

Reading the sign, “China Harvests Human Organs for Profit from Its Still Living Citizens” they were drawn towards a banner and slowly read:

“How would you feel if you discovered that the transplant organ you purchased for thousands of dollars did not come from a donor but was surgically extracted without anesthesia from the still-living bodyof a so-called prisoner for profit?

Not by a gang of criminals but by his own government and the body of this victim tied to the operating table was then tossed in the incinerator to hide the evidence…”


Signing of the petition to stop the brutal persecution of Falun Gong in China at the Baby Boomers Festival at the Puerto Rico Convention Centre.
Signing of the petition to stop the brutal persecution of Falun Gong in China at the Baby Boomers Festival at the Puerto Rico Convention Centre.


They read through the posters documenting the persecution of women, the persecution of Christians, the persecution of attorney Gao Zhisheng, the text of U.S. House Resolution 343, and the advances made world-wide to stop the genocide in China. They read about Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting (DAFOH) and signed a DAFOH petition to the United Nations.

They asked us about Falun Dafa – what is it? How can anyone object to its teachings and treat its practitioners this way? Practitioners guided them to our Falun Dafa booth next door, introduced them to Zhuan Falun and showed them the graceful exercises. Many tried them and commented on the deep sense of tranquility around them even though the music of the festival made it difficult to talk.

One young lady told me that she could not do exercises because her shoulder had a chronic “pinched nerve.” A practitioner suggested she try and see what would happen. A smile radiated from her face when her arms floated up in the air as she finished exercise 2!


A gentleman reading the and looking at information provided by the Falun Dafa stand.
A gentleman reading the and looking at information provided by the Falun Dafa stand.


People read posters showing Falun Dafa in schools in Uruguay and India, they paused pensively at the words “Humanity’s Last Stand.” Psychologists, school teachers, writers, television reporters, financiers, university teachers, doctors, nurses, and photographers expressed an interest to inform others in their professions.

Several people came back later with friends or relatives whom they guided though our exhibit, and then asked them to sign the petition.

One lady asked for some petition forms – “I’d like to take them to my Zumba class”, she said, “How many are there in your class?” asked the practitioner. “About 200,” she replied, “I’ll mail the signed forms to you, OK?”

A financier from Pennsylvania wondered how the finance industry could bring its talents to bear against this evil. A lady from Miami carefully read one poster, then the Falun Dafa brochure, then sat to read Lunyu, then tried one exercise, then downloaded Zhuan Falun in her cell phone and thanked the group.

For two full days, practitioners had the privilege to cherish our common humanity with thousands… “I hope you get so many petition signatures that the world runs out of paper!” said Mr. J after returning to our booth with his wife so she could sign the petition. “We must eliminate this atrocity now!!”
