Four hundred Falun Gong practitioners in Germany held a march in Berlin on July 30, 2016, proceeding from Brandenburg Gate to Potsdamer Platz, calling for help to stop the persecution in China.

The Divine Land Marching Band was followed by a team demonstrating the Falun Gong exercises, and waist drum performers. Practitioners also passed out materials along the route, and collected signatures.

Dr. Schuster watched the march for a long time. He said he had read about the state-sanctioned organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners in China. As a cardiologist, he believes it is very possible that Chinese doctors force-harvest organs for money.

Dr. Schuster said, “I’ve stayed in Lanzhou, China for a few weeks, training Chinese doctors. The Chinese medical community is corrupt, and it is shocking. Doctors over-treat patients, and overprice the operations. I believe that the Chinese physicians would do anything, including harvesting organs from living people, if they are paid.”
