
Bangalore, India: Release Ceremony for the Malayalam Language Versions of Zhuan Falun and Falun Gong

May 22, 2023 | By Falun Dafa practitioners in India ( As a part of the 24th World Falun Dafa Day celebrations, Falun Dafa practitioners in Bangalore, India, held a release ceremony to announce that the two main books of Falun Dafa’s teachings—Zhuan Falun and Falun Gong—have been translated into the Malayalam language and will be officially published. Over …

Bangalore, India: Release Ceremony for the Malayalam Language Versions of Zhuan Falun and Falun Gong Read More »

India: Practitioners Invited to Introduce Falun Gong to a Prestigious Women’s Group

March 27, 2023 | By a Falun Gong practitioner in India ( Falun Gong practitioners went to Hotel Samrat Residency in Bangalore, India, on February 6, 2023, to introduce the spiritual practice to a group of upper-class women. Bindal Shah, a member of the group, had seen practitioners doing the exercises at a practice site and …

India: Practitioners Invited to Introduce Falun Gong to a Prestigious Women’s Group Read More »

India: Falun Dafa Introduced to Countless People During the 2023 Kolkata International Book Fair

March 8, 2023 | By a Falun Dafa practitioner in India ( Practitioners from Kolkata participated in the popular Kolkata Book Fair from January 31 to February 12, 2023. They introduced Falun Dafa and practitioners demonstrated and taught the exercises and were warmly welcomed by visitors. This was the seventh year they participated in the book …

India: Falun Dafa Introduced to Countless People During the 2023 Kolkata International Book Fair Read More »

India: Practitioners Introduce Falun Dafa at the Bangalore Biannual Flower Show

Feb. 26, 2023 | By a Falun Dafa practitioner in India ( Every year during India’s Republic Day (January 26), and Independence Day (August 15) a flower show is held in Lalbagh Botanical Garden, Bangalore. This year was the 213th flower show and the ten day event’s theme was “Bengaluru’s History & Evolution.” Falun Dafa practitioners were …

India: Practitioners Introduce Falun Dafa at the Bangalore Biannual Flower Show Read More »

India: Teachers and Students Consider Themselves Blessed to Learn Falun Dafa

Aug. 14, 2022 | By Falun Dafa practitioners in India ( For Falun Dafa practitioner Suhas, head of the Department of Microbiology, Bajaj College of Science, Wardha, sharing the health benefits and profoundness of Falun Dafa that she herself experienced is of utmost importance. Suhas met a lecturer from Shrikrushnadas Rural Development College in Wardha, who …

India: Teachers and Students Consider Themselves Blessed to Learn Falun Dafa Read More »