You Can Help by Signing Our Petition
Your petition is requesting the house to initiate a resolution to condemn chinas persecution of falun gong at the united nations commission on human rights and request china to stop the persecution.
Your petition is requesting the house to initiate a resolution to condemn chinas persecution of falun gong at the united nations commission on human rights and request china to stop the persecution.
Ms Zhang is the sister of Youlai Zhang, who will travel today from Wollongong to Canberra to practise the art of Falun Gong in front of Parliament House. The morning meditation is designed to publicise the plight of practitioners in China, who have suffered harsh labour camp conditions since the Chinese government banned the practice in 1999.
Over 100 Chinese officials could be denied entry into the United States, or face deportation if they are already here, for their particularly severe violations of religious freedom according to two NGOs who submitted a report on the Chinese officials to U.S. authorities.
Around two hundred Australian Falun Gong practitioners gathered in front of
Parliament House on Monday 8 March to urge the Australian government to raise the human
rights violations against Falun Gong practitioners in China at the UNHRC in Geneva.
The House of Representatives has approved a resolution calling on the Bush administration to introduce a resolution critical of China at the United Nations Human Rights Commission session in Geneva. The non-binding resolution by the House, which was passed by a vote of 402-2, comes amid continuing criticism by lawmakers of China’s human rights record.
The US report says the “harsh repression” of the Falun Gong continued and that the government used the war on terror to justify its ongoing crackdown against Muslim Uighurs.
A SYDNEY woman today said her Falun Gong-practising sister had been abducted in China after trying to get a visa to visit Australia.
Falun Gong practitioners are being sold to Chinese hair-care firm Henan
Rebecca and utilized as slave labor.
These forums on Genocide came at no better time since courts in many countries including the United States are engaged in genocide lawsuits against Chinese former head of state, Jiang Zemin, for his attempt to eradicate a spiritual practice group called Falun Gong.
When it comes to tolerance of any political opposition, or to human rights standards as generally defined by the international community, China is essentially the same as it was a decade ago. The regime has never expressed the slightest remorse for using weaponry against its own people.