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Information Centre

Letter from NSW Falun Foxue Association to UK Minister for Lili Lin

We ask that you intercede to stop this deportation and to allow consideration of Ms Lin’s application for asylum. We trust you will find our request is clearly reasonable and one to which you can accede in good conscience once the ramifications are truly known to you.

Dafa’s dignity cannot be challenged

After I arrived in Australia after being persecuted severely in China. I was interviewed by quite some reporters. Almost all of them were sympathetic when listening to my story and turned out to be very helpful later. Lu slams Hong Kong for mistreating Falun Gong

The assembly was to discuss matters regarding opposition to the legislation
of Hong Kong’s Basic Law Article 23 – a law that is considered a grave
threat to human rights that has aroused strong opposition from Hong Kong
people and human rights supporters around the world.