Japan Economic Newswire: Falun Gong follower released from detention in China
Chinese authorities have released a Chinese woman living in Japan who was
detained in China from May last year for her activities in the Falun Gong.
Information Centre
Chinese authorities have released a Chinese woman living in Japan who was
detained in China from May last year for her activities in the Falun Gong.
Seven Taiwanese Falun Gong practitioners, including Lin Hsiao-Kai and an under-aged victim, filed a lawsuit in a Taiwan High Court accusing former Chinese President Jiang Zemin, former Chinese Vice Premier Li Lanqing and member of the Standing Committee of the Chinese Communist Party Politburo with genocide. The lawsuit is based on a Taiwanese law for the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide stipulated in 1953.
This is the first criminal case by Taiwanese people against Chinese officials and the first case in which members of the Chinese community have brought charges against Jiang Zemin. It follows lawsuits filed against Jiang in the US, Belgium and Spain. Lawsuits against Jiang Zemin are also planned in Australia, Canada, Switzerland, Germany and Ireland.
This MEP reminded practitioners that action must be taken, justice will prevail and as a result the persecution of Falun Gong will come to an end.
The lawsuit is filed by a total of 39 victims of this persecution, the German Falun Dafa Association and dedicated citizens who support an end to the terror campaign against Falun Gong in China by taking part in this lawsuit. The complaint charges them with genocide, crimes against humanity and torture, as well as dangerous bodily harm to Falun Gong practitioners in China.
On November 16, 2003, Falun Dafa practitioners in South Australia participated in the Port Adelaide Christmas Parade and were warmly welcomed by local people.
On the Chinese side is inhumane persecution, while on the Taiwanese side there is widespread sympathy from people all over the country. Three hundred thousand Taiwanese people now practice Falun Gong; including their family members, they number a million.
high-powered US congressional trio is warning Texas-based cosmetics giant Mary Kay Inc. to stand up to China’s demands that sales associates swear not to join the banned Falungong spiritual group.
Once upon a time, in a far away pond lived a little seed named Lily. She was shy and timid, but enjoyed playing with all of her friends.
The case relates to the torture of a Chinese woman now living in Sydney.
Zhang Cui Ying is one of many Chinese nationals persecuted during the reign
of former president Jiang Zemin for their involvement in the spiritual
movement Falun Gong.
After this open letter was distributed locally to expose the evil persecution by the perpetrator, the news was heard that all of the Dafa practitioners illegally detained at the county detention center were released.