Media Reports

Media Reports

Lawyer Chris Nyst: Civilised Countries’ Commitment To Preventing Human Rights Violations Cannot Be Overridden

Celebrated UK Human Rights lawyer, author and playwright, Mr Geoffrey
Robertson QC, has joined forces with high profile Australian lawyer, author and
filmmaker, Mr Chris Nyst, and a group of Australian university students, to
compile a 500 page complaint to the Human Rights Commission detailing instances
of shocking abuse by Chinese prison guards and government officials perpetrated
on an Australian citizen.

AAP News Fed: National protests against human rights abuse

The rallies, to be held in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne, are lobbying for support of the China Resolution, put forward by the United States, which calls for an immediate end to the repression of spiritual and other groups, including Christians, Muslims, Tibetans, Uighurs, Falun Gong and pro-democracy groups.

The Lubbock Avalanche-Journal: Falun Gong — Practice emphasizes improvement of mind, body

Adherents of Falun Gong define it as a traditional self-cultivation practice to improve mind and body. The Chinese government is among the worst offenders as it seeks to keep tight control over its citizens. In recent years, a rapidly growing movement called Falun Gong (also called Falun Dafa) has been a target of repression by the Chinese government, which banned it in July 1999.