Media Reports

Media Reports

Dutch Man Describes Experience Being Kidnapped in China

Peter started to practice Falun Gong two years ago. In order to read the Falun Gong books in their original language, he started to learn Chinese by himself over a year ago; he can now read “Zhuan Falun” and some other Falun Dafa books in Chinese. Out of his appreciation for Chinese culture, he visited China. His intention was to travel, visit his old friends and to improve his spoken Chinese

Sydney Morning Herald: Court overturns Falun Gong convictions

Hong Kong’s top court has overturned convictions against eight followers of the Falun Gong spiritual group accused of assaulting and obstructing police during a 2002 protest. The case is seen as a key test of judicial independence under Chinese rule.

Noosa News (Sunshine Coast Daily): Too strong, too real

Wasn’t the world shocked and in disbelief when it was revealed what Hitler had done to the Jews in World War Two? Similar questions are being asked about the Chinese Government’s treatment of Falun Gong practitioners after last week’s exhibition at the Noosa Library was censored.

Noosa News: Letter to Editor

I read with interest your article “Too strong, too real”, on the front page of the Noosa News of Friday, 15 April 2005. Such an art exhibition, and indeed such a terrible persecution of its own people taking place in China today, must stir the hearts and compassion of all concerned locals.