

The Function of the CCP Culture in the Persecution of Falun Gong (Photo) – Part 1

Several years ago, when clarifying the truth of Falun Gong over the Internet, I often sensed unspoken hatred from some Internet surfers incited by the propaganda and deceit of the Party. Some people, unprovoked, would say “Go to hell!” to a person whom they had never met nor had any conflict with. From such actions, one can see the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s distortion of human nature.

Reference Material: The Truth Behind China’s Economic Boom

To the Chinese leaders, the top priority is to perpetuate their own power. The biggest worry is the collapse of the Communist Party. Secretly they are praying that the conflicts don’t explode now; not in my term, please; wait until I retire; then you can do whatever you want.

How the Chinese Communist Party Spreads Lies in Order to Persecute Falun Gong (Part 2)

Hitler blamed the Jews for everything the German people hated. Jiang’s regime has used similar tactics. The current CCP is totally corrupt. Government officers and businessmen collude in all kinds of schemes to make money. After the persecution started, Jiang’s regime mobilized all of China’s media to falsely claim that “Falun Gong accumulated wealth,” because money was charged for the Falun Gong classes and so many people had bought the popular Falun Gong books.

How the Communist Party Spreads Lies in Order to Persecute Falun Gong (Part 3)

Conclusion: A lie is after all a lie. In history, Hitler’s lies killed millions of Jews, and he ultimately committed suicide. His determined followers also received their deserved punishment. The libeling and persecution of Jesus and Christians in history not only did not destroy the spirit of Jesus, it destroyed the country and families of the suppressor.

“Please Sit By Our Side”- Part 1 (Photos)

Sit by my side Closing your eyes
Together in silence
We call for The end of torturing The end of killing The end of the persecution
Compassion grows in our hearts
Together in silence
Our wishes can make a difference

Letter to Editor: Australian Artist Seeks Justice

China’s human rights violations may seem far from our minds when compared to the growing attention on trade relationships, but in reality, this issue is impacting upon the conscience and lives of many Australians.

Where Does Falun Gong’s Money Come From?

A common question people ask about Falun Gong is: “You people have distributed so many flyers, done so much, and held such big events, where on earth does all this money come from?”