

What I Know about Falun Gong Practitioner Xie

It is hard for the people to know clearly what’s happening in the society right now. Having experienced so many political movements, especially the Cultural Revolution, old people like me will not criticise, nor will we want to follow others. Who is right and who is wrong? We will wait and see.

Letter to MP – Deportation Case

I would like to ask your support for this couple by exposing your concern to the officials in charge of the deportation. Please help to allow Mr and Mrs Li Yishu to stay in Australia until the persecution has finished.

Open Letter to All MPs

We are Australian citizens who came to Australia after the June 4 Tiananmen Massacre. We came here because we were disappointed to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and we were here for freedom.

Letter to MPs

We are writing to you with regards to Falun Gong practitioners being refused asylum in Australia and their imminent deportation back to China.

Letter to Australian Government

I wish to bring to your attention the urgent cases of three Falun Gong practitioners in Australia who are facing torture and persecution if deported to China.

Letter to Prime Minister

I am a fourteen-year-old secondary student in Auburn. I am writing to you regarding the issue of the continued signing of certificates restricting the use of banners, signs and cassette players in Falun Gong practitioners’ peaceful appeal opposite the Chinese Embassy in Canberra.

Letter to Senator Polley

The persecution of Falun Gong does not just happen within China, even Australian citizens are experiencing it. Australian Falun Gong practitioners have been receiving all kinds of harassment and interference in Australia as former First Secretary of Sydney Chinese Consulate Mr Chen Yonglin exposed to the media.