Falun Gong persecution reaches 7 years too long
The Australia-China human rights bilateral dialogue has completely failed to assist in lessening or ending this human rights atrocity.
The Australia-China human rights bilateral dialogue has completely failed to assist in lessening or ending this human rights atrocity.
A series of incidents in Singapore were occurred from an attempt to repatriate Falun Gong practitioners, to the banning of Falun Gong practitioners from holding truth clarification activities in front of the Chinese Embassy, to charging Falun Gong practitioners in court for the third time.
The Canadian government is planning to investigate allegations that Falun Gong members in Chinese prisons are being murdered and their organs sold to transplant patients.
Leader of Australian Greens, Bob Brown issued press release on July 11, 2006 on CCP’s live organ harvesting. Foreign Minister Downer should seek an independent investigation of claims that Chinese political prisoners are killed to provide organ transplants in the international market, Greens Leader Bob Brown said
Since 1999, international media has reported on the illegal, irrational and vicious persecution of Falun Gong practitioners by the CCP and since 1994 the US senate and international media has reported on the illegal organ harvesting from prisoners in China’s state-run prisons and labor camps.
A poem to expose the Chinese Communist Party’s brutal crimes of illegal organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners in China without consent and for the pursuit of profit.
“A call to stop organ harvesting from thousands of Falun Gong practitioners in China”. A press conference is to be held in Pitt Street, Martin Place, on Friday, 14 July.
China’s Communist party continues to flaunt its despotic rule in the face of silence from the democratic world. Just last Friday, a landmark 45- page investigative report was released that addresses allegations of illegal organ harvesting from innocent Falun Gong detainees in China.
The new human rights report alleges the increase in organ availability can be attributed to one fact: the execution of Falun Gong practitioners detained by the Chinese Government, who are then quite literally harvested for parts.
A human rights lawyer and a former cabinet minister in Canada have added their weight to charges that China has been killing Falun Gong dissidents so it can use their organs. They provided English transcripts of phone calls, in Mandarin, made to detention centres and organ transplant clinics in which officials said organs from Falun Gong practitioners could be made available for speedy use.