Australia News

Australia News

Letter from NSW Falun Foxue Association to UK Minister for Lili Lin

We ask that you intercede to stop this deportation and to allow consideration of Ms Lin’s application for asylum. We trust you will find our request is clearly reasonable and one to which you can accede in good conscience once the ramifications are truly known to you.

Nancy Chen Returns to Australia

The “Nancy Chen Kidnap Case in Sichuan, China” which lasted 10 days, finally had a successful result on the Chinese New Year’s eve. This kidnapping case drew the attention of the Australian government and media.

Letter to Mynamar Embassy in Australia

While visiting family members in Yongan, Mr. Chan Wing Yuen, then a 70-year-old man, was arrested on 12 December 2001 for displaying a small banner in a street that read “Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance”