(Minghui.org) Yang Yuqing, a young Falun Dafa practitioner in the Sino-French dual degree program, established the school’s Falun Dafa Club’s Instagram and Facebook pages while studying at NEOMA Business School in France in 2023. In retaliation her parents in China are being harassed and threatened.

Ms. Yang was born in 2002 and came to NEOMA Business School in Reims, France in August 2022 to study finance. She enrolled in the School of International Business at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing in 2020 and chose the Sino-French dual degree program. She went to France to study in her junior year. She will receive a four-year diploma from both schools after the end of the second semester of her senior year in June 2024.

While studying at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing from 2020 to 2022, she was a recipient of the first-class scholarship and an outstanding student at the university level. She was a finalist and winner of the “Best Creativity Award” in the first New Tang Dynasty TV 2023 Chinese Beauty Pageant.

In January 2023, Ms. Yang established the Falun Dafa Club’s Instagram and Facebook pages at NEOMA Business School in France, and posted several posts introducing the practice. In March 2023, she practiced the exercises with her classmates for the first time at the school and introduced the practice to them. Later, at the suggestion of other practitioners, she uploaded the school Falun Dafa Club information to the “studentsforfalungong” website.

The school Falun Dafa Club’s homepage had been undisturbed until December 27, 2023, when Li Jingwei, a counselor at the business school in Beijing, suddenly contacted Ms. Yang’s classmate and asked her in a roundabout way if she knew that Ms. Yanga had a belief. Li also called Yang’s parents to harass them, and with threats and intimidation told them to force their daughter to close the French school Falun Dafa Club’s Instagram homepage (homepage name: “neomafalundafaclub”). Yang’s parents [non-practitioners] were under great pressure.

Counselor Li Jingwei fabricated lies to slander Falun Dafa. She has regularly called and harassed Yang’s parents since December 2023.

The lies she told Yang’s parents include: the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing could ask the French partner school not to issue Yang Yuqing a diploma; and claimed that if the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing expelled Yang, she would be a Chinese citizen with a “criminal record” and would not be welcome in any country. She also threatened that the Chinese police had the right to arrest her in France, etc. Yang’s parents were misled by the lies and were worried that she might lose her Chinese passport and diploma. Her mother opposed her practicing.

The telephone number of Counselor Li Jingwei at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing is 010-64493508.