(Minghui.org) The Art of Zhen-Shan-Ren (Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance) International Exhibition was held at the Darda Art Gallery in Nagpur from December 23-25, 2023. It was the first time the art exhibition was held in Nagpur.
Twenty four paintings created by Falun Dafa practitioners from around the world were exhibited. The art works depict personal cultivation stories of practitioners and amazing things experienced during cultivation, as well as the courage and strength shown by practitioners in China in resisting the persecution of their faith by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Many influential people in Nagpur were invited to speak at the opening ceremony for the exhibition. During the three day exhibition, visitors admired the artworks and learned the background of and stories behind each painting.
Some attendees said the artworks were beautiful and they felt positive energy coming from them. Many attendees were shocked by the brutality of the persecution in China faced by Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong) practitioners who peacefully put into practice Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance.

Media Reports on the Exhibition
Media outlets, both local and national, based in Nagpur came to the exhibition and reported on the event. The Nagpur edition of the Times of India, the fourth largest newspaper in India, remarked: “The artworks are all about inner beauty, strength and meditation practice,” “laced with elegant designs, vibrant colors and perfect use of shade and light, the paintings leave a tell-tale impact on visitors’ minds.”
Other media outlets that attended the exhibition included Lokmat Samachar Nagpur, in both the Hindi and Marathi language, The Hitwada, and Dainik Bahujan Saurabh.

Former Member of Parliament: Evil Cannot Stop Kindness, Justice Will Prevail
Several guests from the political, educational and scientific sectors attended the opening ceremony held on December 23, 2023. They included Jogendra Kawade, former Member of Parliament, Dr. Milind Mane, former member of the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly, Dr. J.M. Khobragade, director of the Nagpur’s Institute of Science, and Suresh Gaikwad, founder of the Hirabai Gaikwad Education Institute.

Jogendra Kawade, who is a former Lok Sabha member representing Maharashtra, thought the exhibits show that in this world, justice will ultimately prevail over evil.
He said, “After viewing all the artworks, I thought, injustice, exploitation, cruelty and oppression can’t last for long.” “Evil cannot stop kindness, these messages from Falun Dafa are not only communicated to China, they are meant for the whole world.”
He also said the principles of Falun Dafa, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, are manifested in the works by every artist. “If you are hurt, I can feel the pain; if you encounter difficulties, I will help you walk out of the difficult situation, this is compassion! I think this is what Falun Dafa emphasises.”
He praised Falun Dafa and the artists for exposing the truth about the persecution in China through peaceful means: “The exhibition is against the persecution, a peaceful revolution is currently taking place, the message passed on by the exhibition is: We can put up with anything but we will never give up on our principles! We will never forsake the truth!”

Former Member of Legislative Assembly: Falun Dafa Inspires a Wonderful Life
Dr. Milind Mane is a practicing physician and also a former member of the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly. He said he was touched by the exhibition, “I went through all the exhibits in detail, I understood and agreed with the message behind them.”
He learned of the various brutal torture currently suffered by practitioners in China. They are murdered and their organs taken without consent and sold for huge profits in organ transplants. As a doctor, he thought organ harvesting was extremely “inhumane” and “shocking,” and said, “this exhibition is a whistle blower for the whole world.”
He witnessed the health benefits of practicing Falun Dafa, “As a doctor, my patients recovered from illness after practicing Falun Dafa because of its health benefits.” He said, “Falun Dafa has such great power, it inspires one to lead a wonderful life.”
He also said that Falun Dafa is becoming more popular in Nagpur. He hopes practitioners can spread Falun Dafa “far and wide.”

Director of Science Institute: I Hope Falun Dafa Is Practiced by More People
Many guests at the opening ceremony admired the unbelievable willpower displayed by practitioners in China in the face of great danger. J.M. Khobragade is the director of the Nagpur’s Institute of Science. He said he “loved the artworks,” and the resilience of practitioners portrayed in the paintings made him want to know more about Falun Dafa.
“Those who practice Falun Dafa will gain power and inspiration as shown in the artworks.” He has read Falun Dafa books and he hopes “more people will learn Falun Dafa.”

Founder of Education Institute: Students Benefit from Practicing Falun Gong
Like J.M Khobragade, Suresh Gaikwad hopes more people will learn Falun Gong. As the founder of an education institute, he told students about the practice at the school’s morning assembly and said, “The children were inspired.”
He said that he did the Falun Gong exercises for the first time during the COVID outbreak in 2020.
He said, “My health was terrible then. A practitioner introduced Falun Gong to my wife, and I began to do them.” “Through doing the exercises, I became stronger physically, I am a living example of the health benefits of Falun Gong standing in front of you. I did not need to take any medication.”
He encourage practitioners, “When you set out to accomplish a wonderful mission, you will meet with tribulations but we will always support you.”

Civil Rights Group Founder: I Hope Everyone Supports Falun Gong
Many visitors expressed support for Falun Gong and sympathy towards practitioners in China. Dr. Milind Jiwane is a former medical officer and the founder of the Civil Rights Protection Cell in Nagpur. He and members of his organisation attended the exhibition. He said the artworks “deserved high praise” because the artists were not afraid to show the true situation of Falun Gong practitioners in China.
“Members of my organisation also thought the exhibition was excellent. We wish Falun Gong practitioners all the best and support them. We hope you will hold this exhibition more often.”
He hopes he can do something to help Falun Gong practitioners who are still being persecuted in China. “I am a writer as well. I will try to write articles on this topic to spread awareness and help you all, everyone should support Falun Gong.”

The Suppression by the CCP Will Not Last Long
S.K Gajbhiye, another leader of a civil rights organisation, and members of his team attended the exhibition. Gajbhiye is also the president of the Voice of Indigenous People for Justice and Peace in Nagpur.
He said that the suppression by the CCP will not last long, “The regime is persecuting people walking on the right path.” “The CCP does not like the right path they are on, a path that is upright, but it cannot stop them.”
Through the artworks he saw that humanity needs “freedom” and “brotherhood,” yet the CCP is attempting to disrupt this natural order. “It is the CCP’s cruel plan to turn people against one another. A suppression like this will not go on for long. It will end soon.”

Winner of Mrs. India Global: I Feel a Divine Energy
Many attendees were moved by the spirituality shown in the paintings. They said the artists chose to use bright and warm colors, which made them feel sacred, positive energy while they viewed the artworks.
Shweta Tembhurne Mate won the 2019 Mrs. India Global title and brought her son to the exhibition. She enjoyed seeing the artworks, especially the painting titled “Turning the Great Law Wheel” that portrayed the magnificent scene during the founder of Falun Dafa, Master Li Hongzhi’s lecture given in Washington D.C.
Both she and her son were touched by the painting and she said, “I’m feeling blessed and surrounded by a divine energy.”

Artist Inspired by True Art
Sae is an artist and said she particularly loved the color scheme in the paintings with bright blue and yellow as main color themes, “It’s enlightening and calming at the same time,” she said.
Her favorite painting was “Guard the Treasure.” It showed a boy whose home was suddenly intruded upon by CCP police officers. He was not frightened and calmly protected Falun Dafa’s main book – Zhuan Falun.
She said, “This child chose to protect the book but not other belongings. To me, this is beautiful and touching. This painting tells us, in front of material benefits, what’s most important is to uphold one’s values.”

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