(Minghui.org) With Chinese New Year around the corner, Falun Dafa practitioners from Australia and New Zealand sent their sincere and heartfelt greetings to Master Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Dafa.

“You Will Be Very Happy If You Decide to Practice Falun Dafa.”
Jason Moir started practicing Falun Dafa at the beginning of 2000. Jason read Master’s books, Zhuan Falun, the main text of Falun Dafa, and Falun Gong. He enjoyed reading the books and decided to start practicing. “I have always yearned to upgrade myself. I had a lot of questions about life and tried many different methods, searching for an answer. However, everything always ended in vain. I was very interested in eastern culture and philosophies. I read many philosophical books and attempted to do meditation exercises. I was also interested in martial arts. I finally found my answer after reading Zhuan Falun.”
“Falun Dafa gave me a ladder to upgrade myself continuously. The more I assimilate to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, the more I am able to steer clear away from my troubles. I live a fulfilling and new life. I would not be as blessed as I am now if I did not practice Falun Dafa.”
He encourages everyone to learn about Falun Dafa and read Zhuan Falun. “You will be very happy if you decide to practice Falun Dafa.”
Jason said, “I am extremely grateful for all that Master has done for me. Thank you Master for bestowing wisdom and precious teachings to us.”

Middle School Student: Learning to Look Inward During Conflicts
Oliver Dobson is fourteen years old. He has been practicing Falun Dafa with his parents since he was a baby. “Falun Dafa has always been part of my life. To me, Falun Dafa is everything. Falun Dafa is fundamental in my life.”
Oliver said that his greatest enlightenment is to look inward. He was able to resolve many conflicts by doing so.
One of his classmates complained to the teacher that Oliver did something that upset him. Oliver did not know what he did wrong and got quite annoyed. However, after talking with his parents, he realised that a practitioner needs to look inward. Oliver realized that something he has been doing for some time, which may seem normal, was hurting his classmate.
“At first, I just thought it was something funny because all my other classmates were laughing too. It was only later did I realize I did something very mean.”
“I owed my classmate an apology. I wrote down all the negative things I said to him and told my classmate that I was sorry for all the negative things I said. I felt relaxed after apologising.”
Oliver and his parents distribute booklets and introduce Falun Dafa to the public. He tells people that Falun Dafa has changed him for the better and helped him understand the truth of the universe.
When friends discussed topics related to China or human rights, Oliver talks about the persecution in China. He said, “Master has been guiding us to cultivate, to return to our true origin. I am very grateful to Master. I know that I am here to assist Master in Fa-rectification and to save people. I will do my best. I wish Master a happy Chinese New Year!”

Surgeon: The Miracles of Falun Dafa
Yuan Hong is from Liaoning Province, China. He graduated with good grades from a prominent medical school in Northeastern China. He stayed in school and became a surgeon in a hospital affiliated with his medical school. During his tenure as a surgeon, Yuan Hong saw many dark sides of the medical field, among them including China’s organ harvesting industry.
“When I was still in China, the medical field would use organs from prisoners with a death penalty. My classmates and colleagues all had been to the scene of death execution to pick up organs.” It was reported later on that there were a large number of live organ transplants. Although Yuan Hong already left China, he said he believed that it was all true.
He was introduced to a Falun Dafa practitioner when he went to New Zealand. “My deepest impression of practitioners is that they are all selfless and always think of others. They seldom think of themselves. There was also no distinction between the poor and the rich.”
He stated, “I felt a great energy in Zhuan Falun when I read the first time. It was something that I cannot describe in words. I never felt so calm and peaceful. I never knew humans could live like this. I felt something, almost like a fireball, rotating in my abdomen the second time I read the book. I knew that Master gave me a Falun (law wheel).”
Yuan Hong was able to quit drinking and smoking shortly after he began practicing Falun Dafa. He said the biggest change was that he was no longer hot-tempered. He learned to be considerate of others and no longer held any grudges. He became much more relaxed.
He is healthy and has not taken any medication in 20 years. He said, “This is extraordinary! I am a person with a medical background and I have been a doctor for over a decade. I do not take any medicine, get ill or go to the hospital. This is a miracle in the medical field. What is more extraordinary is that this happens to all Falun Dafa practitioners I know.”

New Practitioner: Falun Dafa Has Opened My World
Kirash, from Holt, Tasmania, is currently studying for a Masters of Environment Management and Special Science. He said, “I saw Falun Dafa banners and practitioners practicing at Franklin Square about four months ago in September. I inquired about the practice. I felt that Falun Dafa was special, and I decided to start cultivating.”
“Ever since I began reading Zhuan Falun, my world opened up. All the questions I once had, including ones I had in regard to cultivation, were answered. It opened up my perspective and I can better understand the meaning of life.”

Cuc Hoang, a Vietnamese practitioner in Australia, opened a Vietnamese restaurant. Her in-laws began practicing in 2017. Her mother-in-law once had many illnesses, including spondylolisthesis, which disappeared after she began practicing Falun Dafa. Upon witnessing the miracles, Cuc Hoang and her husband started to practice in 2019. Cuc Hoang had asthma prior to cultivation. Every time the weather changed, it triggered her asthma. After she began practicing Falun Dafa, her asthma symptoms almost disappeared.
She said, “I was hot-tempered in the past and was strict with my employees especially those who did not do as I told them. I started to abide by the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance after cultivating Dafa. My employees actually began working harder after I became considerate of them.”
Her customers grew as Cuc Hoang abided by the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Her family also became more harmonious and considerate of each other.

Joshua does Internet marketing and online web development. He always wondered about the meaning of life but was never able to find the answer.
In 2012 one of his employees told him about Falun Dafa and gave him a copy of Zhuan Falun. After reading it several times, he realised that this book was able to guide him to a high level. However, he had not yet started to truly practice Falun Dafa.
Due to his heavy smoking, Joshua often coughed, had chest pains, and had breathing issues. He said, “It was not until 2022 that I truly began to cultivate and learn the true meaning of cultivation. My body experienced dramatic changes. I was able to quit smoking and no longer coughed. I also no longer struggle with breathing and have chest pains. This is amazing. Dafa is extraordinary and unbelievable.”
He continued, “I have a lot of attachments, including grudges against my younger brother and mother. I never contacted them. However, after I began practicing Falun Dafa, I realised I needed to change myself. I need to be compassionate and reconcile with my family. Our relationship is very harmonious and both my mother and brother are happy.”
Her mother and brother also began to practice Falun Dafa after witnessing the positive changes in Joshua. They began to read Zhuan Falun and shared their experiences with other family members. Some developed an interest in Falun Dafa. “The harmonious relationships in my family is all because of Falun Dafa,” Joshua said.

Background: What Is Falun Dafa?
Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong) was first introduced to the public by Mr. Li Hongzhi in Changchun, China, in 1992. The spiritual discipline is now practiced in over 100 countries and regions worldwide. Millions of people who have embraced the teachings, which are based on the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, and have learned the five exercises, have experienced improved health and well-being.
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