(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners participated in the 2022 Mind Body Spirit Festival at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. They told people about Falun Dafa and how the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) has persecuted it in China.
The festival ran from June 10-13 and over 200 exhibitors participated. As the largest health event in Australia, this year’s festival attracted over 100,000 visitors who looked for ways to improve their mental and physical fitness.
The practitioners’ booth was located in front of the cafe and restaurant and had a lot of foot traffic. When the practitioners demonstrated the exercises near the booth, their graceful movements and soothing music drew the attention of the event goers, who headed over to learn more about the practice.

Ms. Cheryl Jacobson is a nursing student. After reading the introduction to Falun Dafa on the posters, she was amazed that such a simple practice could help people relieve their pressure and boost energy, and that it is taught for free.
Ms. Jacobson agreed with Falun Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. She believes that if everyone abides by these principles, “Our world will become a better place,” she said.

Olga from Poland is majoring in physical therapy. She said the practitioners’ bright yellow clothes drew her attention. When she saw the three Chinese characters of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, she became even more curious. She learned how to do the exercises and said that she’d definitely join an exercise group in the future.
“The principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance are so important for our world,” she said.

Ms. Lee Cousins from Nulla Vale was a massage therapist. She had her own booth at the festival and was glad that she found Falun Dafa. Her health consultant suggested that she learn Falun Dafa to stay calm so that she could manage her life well.
When she heard that she could learn the teachings and exercises online for free, Ms. Cousins was delighted. She said that the principles of Falun Dafa resonated with her and that she wanted to follow the principles in every aspect of her life. “I feel that we should teach Falun Dafa to our future generations,” she said.

Mother and Son Find Falun Dafa 22 Years Ago
Exactly 22 years ago at the same festival, Mr. Stuart Martin and his mother Ms. Denice Johnson discovered Falun Dafa. They have since been steadfast practitioners.
Ms. Johnson said that the practice resolved the emphysema that she suffered from for years. “Modern medicine could not cure this disease that is caused by smoking. I witnessed a miracle. The practice also helps me to stay calm and serene.”
Mr. Martin had a curved spine before he began practicing Falun Dafa. “My spine straightened up soon after I took up the practice. At the same time, all my allergies disappeared. By reading Zhuan Falun I found the answers I’d searched for all my life. As my understanding of the teachings deepened, and I followed the principles of Falun Dafa, I found my purpose in life,” he said.

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