The Challenge Trump and the World Now Face

This year’s presidential election in the United States has been a hot topic not only in the U.S. but also the rest of the world, including China, where netizens have shown intense interest.

While the election result is still pending, much attention has been focused on voter fraud. The U.S. mainstream news media, however, have refused to report on it or Biden’s laptop scandal, as if they knew nothing about these significant events.

Why do those once-reputable news media fervently attack Trump even at the expense of sacrificing their own credibility? Do they deem Trump a threat to their vested interests?


Red Scare and Its Infiltration in the West Since the 1930s

Two books from journalists helped shape Western society’s opinions toward communism in the wrong way. One of them was Ten Days That Shook the World from John Reed in 1917, and the other was Red Star Over China from Edgar Snow in 1937.

Documents revealed Reed was one of the organisers of the Communist Party of the United States. He was also a participant of the October Revolution. His active support of communism was praised by Vladimir Lenin, who recommended Reed’s book: “Here is a book which I should like to see published in millions of copies and translated into all languages.” He was buried at Kremlin Wall Necropolis, a graveyard of elite pro-Bolshevik activists.

Snow, on the other hand, depicted Mao Zedong and the Chinese Communist Party as a representation of a new, democratic system. It was not until 1989 that his wife Lois Wheeler realised the mistake. “It just woke me up,” she said in an interview. Since then, she has condemned the Tiananmen Square Massacre and criticised the CCP’s human rights violations. When she visited Beijing in 2000, police officers stopped her from meeting with an activist whose son had been killed in the massacre.

The United States was established on faith. As a beacon of hope for the world, the U.S. was referred to as “a city upon a hill.” “One Nation under God” is part of the Pledge of Allegiance, and “In God We Trust” is printed on U.S. banknotes. Therefore, the U.S. has played the role of a guardian of principles and social order instead of seizing power. This is similar to the concept of “following the heavenly law” in traditional Chinese culture.

The Great Depression in 1929 weakened the American economy. Meanwhile, journalists such as Walter Duranty sugarcoated the Soviet system, which earned him a Pulitzer Prize in 1932. Then president Franklin D. Roosevelt initiated the New Deal in 1933 to expand various programs toward a big government like the planned economy in Soviet Union.

It was not until 1990 that New York Times admitted that the articles from Duranty, its Moscow bureau chief at the time, distorted the Great Famine in the Soviet Union and were “some of the worst reporting to appear in this newspaper.” The influence of the New Deal, however, was deep and long-lasting.

“This was the crucial period in American history — the period in which Americans abandoned the principles of economic liberty on which our nation was founded. For it was during this time that the welfare-state, planned-economy way of life replaced the private-property, market-economy way of life which had existed up to that time,” wrote Jacob Hornberger, former law and economics professor and founder and president of The Future of Freedom Foundation.

In 1964, U.S. President Lyndon Johnson announced the War on Poverty as part of the Great Society. Its proposals, surprisingly, coincided well with those advocated by the New Program of the Communist Party USA that was published in 1966.

Destruction of Western society by communism was not just limited to the economy. In 1966, Mao launched the Cultural Revolution that lasted a decade, nearly wiping out all traditional values of Chinese culture. Across the ocean, hippies and counter-culture groups and thought dominated the U.S. They challenged authority and defied traditions while advocating drugs and sexual freedom.

Unable to launch a Chinese-style cultural revolution, some of these young people kept spreading socialist ideology, though under the guise of progressivism, as they graduated from colleges and graduate schools and went on to work in education, news media, politics, and business. This infiltration of socialism in American society is a non-violent revolution that has lasted decades. In the process, various forms of socialism and Marxism have popped up and kept propagating.

“The goal of socialism is communism,” declared Lenin in 1917. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) concurred with his statement. Karl Marx also proposed six steps toward communism, with socialism being the fifth step.

But few people realised socialism and communism’s corrupting influence and grave danger. Socialist thought had occupied major media outlets, universities, and Hollywood by the 1970s and 1980s. Despite its short-term setback under President Ronald Reagan in the 1980s, the socialism movement regained its momentum in the 1990s, reaching its peak in recent years.

The divine rewards hard work, and you reap what you sow. These are traditional values that have inspired human civilizations for thousands of years. Through the lens of socialism, however, wealth should be evenly divided among people, unconditionally. With little exposure to the communism in the Soviet Union and Communist China, many young people in the U.S. advocate socialism and aim to steer our society in that direction.

In the past century, Western society has encountered numerous challenges, including two World Wars, terrorism from fascism, and brutality associated with communism. Even today when communism ideology ravages the globe, the U.S. is still one of a few countries with the least centralized power, and it is playing a major role of maintaining social order while safeguarding the free world.

Had American society been replaced with the egalitarianism of high taxation and high welfare, in conjunction with giving free reign to abortion and homosexuality that deviate from traditional values, where would the world be heading?

French prophet Nostradamus once predicted that Mars (Marx) would one day rule the world in the name of providing people with a better life. With this trend toward a welfare state, what would come next to the Western world is the same communism.


A Century-Long War

President Reagan said in his first inaugural address, “From time to time, we have been tempted to believe that society has become too complex to be managed by self-rule, that government by an elite group is superior to government for, by, and of the people. But if no one among us is capable of governing himself, then who among us has the capacity to govern someone else? All of us together, in and out of government, must bear the burden. The solutions we seek must be equitable, with no one group singled out to pay a higher price.”

Many conservatives are worried about the future of the U.S. and the world. Under the disguise of socialism and liberalism, communism has gradually infiltrated America to the bone. Few people, including past U.S. presidents, dared to challenge the complexity or touch the line of political correctness.

It was under this urgent situation that Donald Trump stood up for what is right. “In America we don’t worship government, we worship God,” he said in May 2017 during his first commencement address as president.

Trump’s efforts to bring back tradition and lead America back on track disrupted the unspoken agreement between politicians, technology firms, large companies, and news media. Therefore, they viewed him “a bull in a china shop” and began to attack him in June 2015, when he announced his run for president.

For many politicians and ordinary citizens, it was almost a miracle that Trump won the 2016 election. “For too long, a small group in our nation’s Capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost,” he said in his inaugural speech in January 2017. “What truly matters is not which party controls our government, but whether our government is controlled by the people.”

“We will no longer accept politicians who are all talk and no action – constantly complaining but never doing anything about it. The time for empty talk is over,” he said.

In his address to the United Nations General Assembly, Trump warned that “Socialism and communism are not about justice… they are about power for the ruling class.” He vowed that “America will never be a socialist country.”

Unlike previous presidents, Trump is very direct toward news media and, where there was fake news, he called it out. Such honesty once again triggered a series of retaliation from news media.

The first one was the Russian investigation. Statistics showed that three major news networks (ABC, CBS, NBC) had 3,430 news items on this subject in their prime time evening news. This added up to nearly 100 hours, or one-third of the total news time.

When news broke in 2017 that Russians spent millions on a lobbying firm to influence a former Secretary of State–a Democratic official–with testimony from an FBI informant, CBS gave 69 seconds of coverage during its Face the Nation talk show, while ABC and NBC did not cover it.

In September 2018, the New York Times published an anonymous opinion article criticising Trump for dividing the country. Although citing anonymous sources would discredit the newspaper’s reputation, it nonetheless chose to do so to achieve the goal of defaming Trump.

The year 2019 was also eventful. Democratic officials launched an impeachment on September 24, 2019. The Senate then acquitted Trump on February 5, 2020.

In all these cases, the news media either took words out of context or falsely charged Trump without evidence. In addition, during this election, state officials worked with federal officials, together with mainstream news media and social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube), as well as Antifa and other socialist organisations to smear Trump.

Former House speaker Newt Gingrich said during an interview that the election turmoil and claims of widespread fraud had left him more upset than he’d ever been in 62 years of political life.

“This is not about Donald Trump,” he explained, “This is about the American people. Do the American people have the right in an honest election, with honest legitimate ballots, to pick their leader, or are we just sheep dominated by the high-tech businesses, the news media, and the various political machines? And are we supposed to surrender?”

“So, I think this is a crisis in the American system comparable to Washington on Christmas Eve or comparable to Lincoln at Gettysburg. This is a genuine, deep crisis of our survival,” he added.


The Momentum of Countering Communism

With a deep understanding of American values, Trump has been very firm in rejecting communism. As the stronghold of today’s communism, China became the world’s largest economic entity in 2010. It has also pushed its ideology around the globe, including putting up an advertisement on a giant billboard in Times Square.

As Western politicians and new media were defeated by sugarcoated cannonballs, both freedom and America are facing an unprecedented crisis.

After becoming the U.S. president, Trump said the American government had misjudged the CCP since 1930, and he became the first president to differentiate the CCP from the Chinese people. Furthermore, he engaged in a trade war to curb the communist regime, investigated companies related to the Chinese military such as Huawei, closed the Chinese Consulate in Houston, closed Confucius Institutes, and sanctioned CCP officials for human rights violations in Hong Kong.

Most recently, Trump signed an executive order on November 12, aiming to stop U.S. investments from flowing into companies with ties to the Chinese military. This move is considered another key step of Trump’s foreign policy to counter the CCP’s ambitions.

When retired fireman Mark Taylor was watching television in April 2011, he saw real estate businessman Donald Trump talking about his thoughts on America’s future. Taylor said he suddenly heard the voice of God saying that Trump would become the U.S. President and restore traditional values.

After over a century’s terror, it is time to end the communist regime. People did not believe the Berlin Wall would fall, but it collapsed anyway; it was hard to believe the powerful Soviet Union would disintegrate overnight, but it happened along with other communist regimes in Eastern Europe.

The American people and the world are praying for a better, safer future, and their wish will not be in vain.