French Falun Dafa practitioners gathered at the Eiffel Tower on December 16 for a group photo to show their appreciation for the benefits they’ve received from the practice. They also wanted to wish Mr. Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Dafa, a Happy New Year.
After the picture, they went to Human Rights Square on the north side of the Eiffel Tower to tell tourists about Falun Dafa and the ongoing persecution in China.
Energy and Peaceful Mind
Marianne Christina from Martinique said that she had practiced Falun Dafa for 7 years. Having experienced improved physical health and character through meditation and living by the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, she felt very fortunate to be a practitioner.
“Falun Dafa gives me peace of mind and a happy life,” she said. Both at work and in daily life, people around her have noticed her positive changes, especially her energy and efficiency. Impressed by how profound Falun Dafa is, she is always willing to share that information, hoping that others, too, can benefit from it.

Becoming a Better Person
Géraldine King said that Falun Dafa teaches her to look within when encountering conflicts. “With the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, a practitioner will not only become a better person on his or her own but also positively influence people around them,” she said, “It is good for everyone and that is why I am so grateful.”
Anita Richard from Guadeloupe agreed, “To me, this is the best gift I have ever received.” She has witnessed many miraculous incidents both personally and with other practitioners. She is very thankful for what she has obtained from Falun Dafa, including Master’s protection.

Letting Go of Bad Habits
Pharmacist Guillaume began to practice Falun Dafa three years ago. He has successfully let go of many bad habits, such as smoking and drugs. He also stopped drinking. Thinking that other people would also benefit from Falun Dafa, he often went to tourist sites to share information about the practice.
His cousin Axel, a 19-year-old car mechanic, has been a practitioner for 9 months. Similar to Guillaume, Falun Dafa has helped Axel a great deal with eliminating bad habits. His life changed dramatically, as he has found a job and happiness. “That is why I like coming here and telling people how great Falun Dafa is. Thank you, Master!” he added.