Daqing, Heilongjiang Province: 17 Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested in One Day

At least 17 residents in Daqing City were arrested on November 9, 2018, for refusing to renounce Falun Gong, a mind-body practice based on the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

Many Falun Gong practitioners across China have been arrested, tortured, or even killed for their organs since the Chinese communist regime launched the persecution of the practice in July 1999.

According to inside sources, the Heilongjiang police had been gathering information on more than 1,000 Falun Gong practitioners through monitoring their cellphones or communication on social media.

Feng Haibo, the head of Daqing Domestic Security Division, ordered local police to arrest the 17 practitioners whose names were on a list. Most of the practitioners were targeted early in the morning, before they went to work. Four practitioners, including a couple, had their homes ransacked and their computers and Falun Gong books confiscated.

The 17 arrested practitioners are:

  • Yan Yuzhen,
  • Dai Yi,
  • Meng Fanrong,
  • Qu Yanlai,
  • Wang Juyan,
  • Zhao Wenguang,
  • Zheng Hongjun,
  • Lu Guanru,
  • Tang Zengye,
  • Bai Yufu,
  • Zhang Liping,
  • Jin Miaoqing,
  • Jin Wei,
  • Liu Fulin,
  • Chen Liping,
  • and a practitioner surnamed Du.

Ms. Meng Fanrong’s husband, who doesn’t practice Falun Gong, was also arrested and held in the police station for several hours before being released.

Ms. Zheng Hongjun suffered a heart problem during the arrest and was taken to a hospital.

The police attempted to arrest Ms. Zhao Xiuying, but she escaped because she was not around when they went to her workplace to look for her.

More details about the arrests are being investigated.