Buenos Aires, Argentina: “Shen Yun Gives Us Absolutely Everything”

Shen Yun Performing Arts presented the final performance of its ten-show run at the Teatro Ópera in Buenos Aires, Argentina on March 11, concluding the New York-based company’s 2018 South American tour.

“Something one is longing to see”

“I truly find it wonderful… Clearly, there is a great spiritual inspiration, and the audience is inspired too,” said Norma Aleandro, an actress and drama director.

“You can see in the dancers a way of presenting themselves, a way of dancing that clearly has something to do with culture and the spiritual aspects of it,” she said.

“There is a great need to address the spirituality within oneself, as this is something very personal. I believe it is great to share it through art,” she continued.

“They have put together something one is longing to see, and that’s different. Without knowing it, one is longing to see what they showed us,” Ms. Aleandro said.

“I also enjoyed very much the kind of humor they display, which is also of great sweetness,” she added.


Norma Aleandro, actress and drama director on March 1.


“A path toward peace”

“I really loved it… Preserving the culture of a nation and its people, seems to me to be something worth applauding,” said Gladys Estela Alvarez, a retired judge.

“They show an inner harmony and a harmony with the world… There is really a lot of inner work in the entire group in this beautiful show,” she said.

“It is a path toward peace because contact with the classic and the ancient, with the beauty of the past, opens the way to the harmony that is a condition for peace in society,” Ms. Alvarez said.


Gladys Estela Alvarez, retired judge on March 1.


“A relaxing space of beauty and enjoyment”

“I can feel the spirituality in each choreography, in each scene… It is a space of joy, of hope, and respect for diversity,” said Julio Croci, the director of the Ministry of Pluralism and Inter culturalism.

“This is the second time I’ve attended. It’s a pleasure to the eye… Peace is again present, the good and the diverse,” he said.

“One overcomes the daily rush from the office… In this, I find a relaxing space, one of beauty and enjoyment,” Mr. Croci said.

Julio Croci, director of Ministry of Pluralism and Interculturalism on March 1.


“They have given absolutely everything”

“The dancers have transmitted everything. They have given absolutely everything,” said Cristina Reyes, a former opera singer.

“The singer fascinated me. I marveled at her type of voice… A perfect voice,” Ms. Reyes was especially amazed by the vocal performance by soprano Yu Ming.

“I was on the top floor, and yet I could hear her voice in an amazing way. It touches the audience, but with feeling from deep within—because it has a perfect breath and its air column is perfect, it can reach all the notes in the most refined way,” she said.

Ms. Reyes also enjoyed “the erhu solo, an instrument with true tenderness and angelic beauty.”


Cristina Reyes, a former opera singer on March 10.


Perfect Mixture of Technical and Spiritual

“I loved it. The performance was truly spectacular. It was amazing to see the precision, the harmony, the technique, and lots and lots of feelings,” said Cecilia Mendonça, the general manager of Disney Channel Latin America.

“I thought that the connection with the divine is very well portrayed. I think it has a very strong message, and it is truly very interesting. I am thrilled to see how something so technical can be mixed with so much spirituality and have such an emotional connection,” she said.

“I work a lot with production, so the precision was incredible to me—that mixture of something so precise, so correct, so uniform, but that conveys so much at the same time… It’s something that conveys much feeling,” Ms. Mendonça said.


Cecilia Mendonça, general manager of Disney Channel Latin America on March 2.


“Artistic in every sense”

“I found Shen Yun extraordinary. For me, it was artistic in every sense of the word: movement, music, coordination, synchronization. It was fantastic,” said Johannes Christoph Meran, an Austrian ambassador to Argentina.

“It seems like the energy flows through you, and it emanates from the music and the movements. It flows through you, and you get very peaceful and kind,” he said.

“If we all could be like that, the world would be better,” he added.


Johannes Christoph Meran, Austrian ambassador to Argentina on March 9.


Shen Yun will continue its tour with upcoming performances in:

  • Winterthur, Switzerland, March 15–16
  • Kaohsiung, Taiwan, March 13–18
  • Gainesville, Florida, United States, March 14–16

For more information on tickets and dates, please visit http://shenyun.com.