Western Australia: Falun Gong Car Tour Raises Awareness of Organ Harvesting Atrocities in China

A car tour through Western Australia is having a profound effect in raising awareness about crimes taking place thousands of miles away in China.

In mid-November of last year, Mr. Peter Abetz, current member of the Western Australian Legislative Assembly, met with Falun Gong practitioners (Falun Gong is also known as Falun Dafa) in front of the Parliament of Western Australia. Mr. Abetz expressed his support for practitioners’ efforts in touring Western Australia to raise awareness of the persecution of Falun Gong in China.

The practitioners are drawing particular focus to the crime of harvesting organs from living prisoners of conscience, the majority of whom are Falun Gong practitioners. Mr. Abetz affirmed that the Chinese regime’s forced organ harvesting is a serious issue. “We need to pay attention to it. It is a severe violation of human rights,” he said.

The car tour set off on August 29, 2016 and to date has visited over 200 cities and towns in three months. The tour has helped many Australians understand the ongoing persecution of Falun Gong in China, especially how the Chinese communist regime profits from forced organ harvesting.

Referring to the organ harvesting atrocities, Mr. Abetz said, “It is beyond me that a government should murder its people and sell their organs for profit. The evidence is clear and shows that it is a large scale, systematic crime. Everyone should know about it and the car tour does just that, helping people in Western Australia understand this persecution.”


Mr. Peter Abetz (second from right) shows his support for the Falun Gong car tour in front of the Parliament of Western Australia in November 2016.
Mr. Peter Abetz (second from right) shows his support for the Falun Gong car tour in front of the Parliament of Western Australia in November 2016.


Strong Support for Falun Gong

Ms. Belinda Coates, Deputy Mayor of Ballarat, joined the practitioners at a press conference during the tour. “It’s a very important issue and unfortunately not many Australians know about it,” she said. “Once they learn about it from your activities, they will be shocked and angered. They will be willing to join and support you. Thank you for what you are doing for Ballarat.”


Ms. Belinda Coates, Deputy Mayor of Ballarat, speaks at a press conference held by Falun Gong practitioners.
Ms. Belinda Coates, Deputy Mayor of Ballarat, speaks at a press conference held by Falun Gong practitioners.


Ms. Liz Seckold, member of the Bega Valley Shire Council, signed the petition to show her support for ending the persecution.

The practitioners were invited to speak about the persecution to the Lachlan Shire Council. Eighteen people, including the councilors, the city manager and a reporter learned about the persecution and what has been happening in China’s forced labor camps.


Mr. Mark Hall, councilor of Lachlan Shire welcomes Falun Gong practitioners.
Mr. Mark Hall, councilor of Lachlan Shire welcomes Falun Gong practitioners.


People Offer to Help Spread Information about the Persecution

There was a music festival underway when the tour got to Airlie Beach. One of the featured musicians, after learning about the persecution, told the practitioners that he would talk to the festival audience about what has happened to practitioners in China incarcerated for their belief.

After learning about the persecution, Mr. Graham from Temora in New South Wales brought the practitioners to talk to the mayor. Mr. Graham said that everyone should fight against injustice. “I hope our government sets more limits when trading with China. It should pressure the Chinese Communist Party to stop the persecution,” he said.


Mr. Graham from Temora meets with Falun Gong practitioners.
Mr. Graham from Temora meets with Falun Gong practitioners.


Ms. Christina Dempsey from Coffs Harbour met the practitioners when they checked into the hotel where she works. She had seen the local television news report about the car tour. “I am shocked by the brutality of the persecution,” Mr. Dempsey said. “I believe that the persecution will end when more people know about it. Everyone should have their basic human rights.”

With tears in her eyes, Ms. Dempsey promised to let her local councilors know about what has been taking place in China. She planned to put up posters in local shops and deliver fliers to every mailbox, “to let everyone know not to get organ transplants in China.”


Ms. Christina Dempsey plans to distribute Falun Gong literature in her neighborhood.
Ms. Christina Dempsey plans to distribute Falun Gong literature in her neighborhood.


Australians Support Practitioners’ Efforts to End the Persecution

In Taree, the practitioners did the exercises in front of City Hall. Ms. Janine Roberts came up and told them that she had already heard about the persecution. “It [the persecution] shouldn’t have happened,” Ms. Robers said. “I hope the Australian government can be like the European and US governments. It should make laws to help stop the persecution and organ harvesting.”


Ms. Janine Roberts of Taree approaches the practitioners to show her support.
Ms. Janine Roberts of Taree approaches the practitioners to show her support.


Kahra Trower and Bainas Simpson stopped their car to greet the practitioners. Ms. Trower had also heard about the ongoing persecution. She said, “It is the cruelest thing in the world. I want more people to know about it. I know that when Australians learn about it, they won’t let it continue. The Australian government must urge the Chinese government to stop.”

After talking with practitioners about the persecution, Ms. Susan Andre from Bega said, “If we allowed it to happen without doing anything to stop it, we will end up getting hurt.” She took a dozen postcards from the practitioners and said that she would help by mailing them to her local councilors. “I will continue to tell people about it [this crime] and have them sign these postcards. What you do inspires me. Letting others know about it is a precious gift in and of itself,” she said.


Ms. Susan Andrew and her daughter learn the Falun Gong exercises together.
Ms. Susan Andrew and her daughter learn the Falun Gong exercises together.


Related report:  Australian Car Tour Receives Strong Support